Blessed be the Name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praise and adore, Lord we lift our Holy hands in one accord, singing blessed be the Lord, Honour to the Lord, blessed be the Name of the Lord! 2x. worthy You are worthy, King of kings Lord of Lord, You are worthy, worthy, You are worthy, King of kings Lord of Lord I worship You.

We bless You Father, we worship You we exalt You we magibfy You, glory adoration be unto the alone in Jesus Name.

Eternal Rock of Ages, we bless You, we glorify You because You are God and there is none like Thee. Faithful is your Name, You are forever to be praise. Arise O God and take Your glory form them that You made in Your own image.

We call You Wonderful, because You are Wonderful, we call You Great because You are Great. We call You Miracle because Your Works are miraculous, we call beauty because You are Awesome. Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise.

Thank You for answers to prayers, thank You for the miracles that You are ever doing in our lives, Thank You for being God indeed for us, glory glory glory glory be to You alone Father.

Beloveth, praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!! The God we serve answers prayers; my Jesus answers prayers. The God we serve wrought healing; my Jesus is a balm in Gilead. Is there anything difficult for the Lord to do?

Today’s faith clinic is going to great! Can you praise God ahead of what you are going to receive from today’s ministration?

What is faith dearly beloved? Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1. Beloved what did verse 2 and 3 says – by it the elders obtained a good report. Verse 3 says through faith we understand that the world were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

I want you read verse 2 again and again until you receive on it. But let me quickly share what the Spirit laid in my heart concerning it, yours may be different from mine, that is why I am asking you to read until something  drops in your Spirit man.

Can you give a mental picture of the situation you are passing through, example, you may be expecting an admission, a new job, a new appointment, a new car, a new home/house, to get married, or you are expecting a child whatever be it, in all these what is your expectation in all of it.

The faith factor here according to how Hebrews 11 verse 1 defining “Faith” said is something you are hoping to come into existence, therefore it does not necessary means that you have the means to achieve it, or you are qualify to have it but the faith factor as I said earlier is that you know what you want and you know that God is able to do it, then you go ahead in doing those things that will help you to actualize it.

Beloved, you are not allowing your limiting factor to hinder your desires or your aspirations. Those factors are there but you know that with God all things are possible and that you are relying on God to help you and bring it to pass.

Taking verse 2 into consideration, what report are you expecting from what you are engaging in? The facts is that those things are not within your reach, you don’t even know how to actualize it but for God. Now through “faith” you believe God that it possible, though your present situation is not speaking it but you believe it is possible and you keep having a good attitude and then will Hand of God bring it to pass.

In the topic before us today, that was exactly what Caleb did. Abraham did same and it was counted unto him as righteousness. Caleb believe the report of the Lord that they will take over the promised land and acted in accordance to what the Word said and God spared him and Joshua from the verdict be gave to all the adult of Israelite of then that none will enter into promise land just because Caleb and Joshua trusted God to bring to pass what He said.

Beloved, can we start having the same attitude in our challenges, I believe that will help us a lot to keep Satan where he belongs – at our feet, than allowing him to be destructing our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Praise God!

Caleb asked for the mountain forty years after the promise was made. Is something dropping in your Spirit man? Let’s do a little analysis here, this promise was given to Caleb, I want to believe he was not married, or probable newly married, beloved what do you think that would have happened forty years later in terms of lineage? In number, God would have blessed Caleb with children and grand-children. In strength and wisdom he would have as well increased, having fought several wars as they marched to the promised land. Forty years later, Caleb went to Joshua to ask for the land as promised him by God and spoken to him through Moses.

Let us therefore, not give up on everything that looks like mountains in our lives today at the due time, the Lord will perfect all that concerns us. Praise God.

Do you want to see God in higher dimension? Seek the mountains, places beyond you and you will see God in action for you. Remember our theme for the month “Divine Fulfillment.” God will yet be God. As He was in the beginning, so He is now and forever be (Heb 13:8) Praise God somebody!!!!!!!!!!

 Let’s discover more in the message below:

“Now give me this hill country the Lord promised [me] on that day, because you heard then that the Anakim are there, as well as large fortified cities. Perhaps the Lord will be with me and I will drive them out as the Lord promised.”—Joshua 14:12

Caleb’s faith in God never wavered though everyone around him doubted. God convinced Caleb that the children of Israel should enter the Promised Land, but the people were intimidated by giants and fortified cities (Num. 13:28–33). Their disbelief forced Caleb to wait forty years in the wilderness before he finally entered the Promised Land. Even after all those years, Caleb was as confident as ever in God’s power.

When God was dividing the land among the Israelites, the people were asking for the lush valleys and grassy plains. Caleb asked for a mountain. The Israelites had driven their enemies into the mountains, where they had built fortresses. This did not intimidate Caleb—he asked for a challenge! He did not trust in his own strength but in God’s presence. Caleb longed to see God work in power, and he knew he would be less likely to rely on God if he dwelt in the easy places.

He chose a situation in which he would have to trust in God. Caleb knew his inheritance from God was on the mountain. He refused to allow the difficulty of gaining it to stop him from enjoying all that God had promised him.

If you always choose the easy way, asking for the peaceful valleys, you will never see God’s power displayed to enable you to take a mountain. Seek out the mountains, and you will witness God doing things through your life that can be explained only by His mighty presence.

Beloved, I ask you again, “do you want to experience God in an extra-ordinary way,?” Try and ask for the mountain as Caleb did. As we also read, Caleb like David trusted God and He brought glory to Himself by displaying His Sovereign over the sons of men. The victory won by God is always spectacular and will always leave you with a wahoo expression.

 Beloved, Caleb was a man of vision, he expressed faith and displaced courage in his walk with God. How many of us are standing up to be counted for the Lord? Are you pregnant with vision? Is your faith daunting?  Do you have the courage to stand bold for the Lord? Then the next message is for you, ride on:


 Vision – Faith – Courage

Aim at nothing and you are sure to hit it!” I understand from the “experts” that 90% of those who head companies routinely play catch-up ball as they respond to market conditions in reacting to the tyranny of the urgent.

By contrast, true leaders bring vision, faith and courage to coordinated effort. Today, what is needed are people with:

VISION to see what ought to be done:

Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35b)

QUESTION: Do you have a God-given VISION as to what His mission is for you or your company? Or are you simply milling around, conducting business-as-usual, losing altitude and taking up space?

FAITH to believe it can be done:

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, Be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey you.” (Luke 17:6)

QUESTION: Do you have the FAITH to believe it can be done? Or are you paralyzed by indecision, over-analysis, paralysis… and over-spiritualizing?

COURAGE to persevere until it is done:

Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like a flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph.” (Isaiah 50:7 – Living)

QUESTION: Do you have the COURAGE to believe that failure is not an option; that you will circumvent, tunnel through, or go over the obstacles until the mission is accomplished?

Perhaps understanding the difference between an eagle and a chicken is helpful:

Eagles soar with the wind, rising above the circumstances to see the big picture. Once they spot their prey, they drop with lightning speed in accomplishing their mission.

Chickens cluck, peck, strut, mill around, and lay eggs when the urge comes upon them.

QUESTION: Which are you? An eagle who rises above his circumstance, bringing vision, faith and courage to coordinated effort? Or are you a business-as-usual chicken who struts around and clucks, performing only when the urge comes upon you?

Beloved, in which category did you fall in? Be truthful to yourself and the Lord will help you out. Remember He promised to help you therefore He will not forsake.

Who are the Caleb in the house, rise up and having receive your victory from the Lord, ask Him to fulfill your desires in Him by His Mighty Hand. Praise the Lord.

No more strutting around and clucks, let us rise with the storm and take our prey (achieve our goals) in Jesus Name.

Don’t forget to read Heb 11 today. you are in a season to obtain good report.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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