I will magnify the Lord, (I will magnify the Lord). Who is worthy to be Praise (who is worthy to be Praise) hosanna, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted. Hosanna, Blessed be Thy Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my Salvation be exalted.// You are worthy to be Praise, You are worthy to be Praise, my Redeemer, You are worthy to be. You are worthy to be Praise, You are worthy to be Praise, my Redeemer You are worthy to be Praise.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, You are worthy to be Praise and adore, so we left our Holy hands in one accord singing blessed be Thy Name, honour to Thy Name, blessed be Thy Name of the Lord. Thank You Father, thank You Lord, thank You Jesus for all You have done for me. You are wonderful, you so Glorious, blessed Thy Name Father, hosanna in the highest. Thank You for You are miracle working Father. Who is like unto Thee? Who can be compared with You? Arise again in your glory and do that which man can do, speak to Lord! Teach us something new in your Word today and make us better than we are in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope You are bouncing in the Lord every day, yes I am bouncing in the Lord every day. Join to sing this song- great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy Hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.

Yes! We should always Praise the Name of our God for indeed He is worthy of our Praise and His faithfulness remaineth forever (Ps 33). Glory be to His Name on high.

Our topic today is controversy one right from the beginning as you can from the bible text of below. Some believe in works while some others believe in the faith (Grace). The Word of God speaks volume when it comes to work but the place of faith (grace) can never be overtaken by works. Our works did not bring salvation to us, grace did. It was grace that purged us from all unrighteousness and brought us into God’s Kingdom and it that same grace that will sustain us through our faith in Christ Jesus.

Many Christine fight against this and will never want to accept it because they felt that they can work out their salvation through service, more of bible studies as we were taught yesterday. As much as all these things are important in our Christian race nevertheless we are not going to depend on it when we come before God because none of can stand the test of purification if the foundation was not rooted in Christ (1Cor 3:13).

Many Christian kicks against grace because like faith is intangible but works are tangible, can be seen and felt. However, this is my take in this; we must work for faith without work is dead, we must do the work depending solely on grace (Holy Spirit). Why did I say that? Firstly, we were not saved through works but grace. Secondly, we will be sustain by the grace not works least any boast (Jer 9:23-24, Eph 2:9, Jas 4:13-16, Ac 15:11, Rom 11:5-6). Grace is not a substitute to laziness (Prov 6:10, 24:33-34).

Make no mistake about works, it is a show of faith but we must not depend on our works as if it out refuge or stronghold else God will destroy such confidence (Jer49:4).

When a man is under grace, He finds favour with God (Gen 6:8; Ex 33:13,16-17; Judg 6:17-23; Ruth 2:2,10, 2Sam 7:18 -29, Ezr 9:8-9; Zech 4:7, 12:10, Lk 1:30,2:40, 4:22, Jn 1:16-17, Act4:33, 6:8, 20:32, Rom 5:2,15). May such favour locate us today in Jesus Name.

We ought to trust and believe God in this season grace and glory that the Spirit of God will through election count us among those that will obtain grace even as God had promised.

Be thou a balance Christian, let us find out more from below:


Isaiah 22:9-24:23, Psalm 112:6-10, Proverbs 23:19-21,Galatians 3:1-18

Balanced Christianity

After beginning with the Spirit, are you now going to be made complete by the flesh?—Galatians 3:3

The Christian church has always struggled to get the balance right between faith and works. Romans is the great book on “faith,” while James is the great book on “works.” I know some Christians who never read the book of James, taking sides with Martin Luther who called it a “book of straw.” Martin Luther may have been right about many things, but he was wrong when he referred to the Epistle of James in this way. We need to study both Romans and James if we want to be properly balanced Christians.

The difficulty with faith and works is this: we come into the Christian life by depending on Jesus’ innocent sufferings on Calvary as sufficient ground for our acceptance with God, and then when we learn the principles of Christian living, we turn from dependency on Christ to dependency on them. This was the great problem in the Galatian churches, and it is still a problem here in the church of the current century. Bringing forth the fruit of repentance by good works is terribly important, but we are not to depend on works for our salvation.

We tend to focus more on works than faith because it is something visible and tangible. We can see what we are doing and assess it or measure it. Faith is different. It requires of us a degree of helplessness (something the carnal nature detests), but if we are to know God better and avoid falling into the trap of pursuing godliness more keenly than pursuing God, then faith must be seen as the primary virtue.


O Father, help me get this right. I am saved to good works, but I am not saved by good works. Prevent me from falling into the trap of being more preoccupied with Your principles than with You Yourself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Eph 2:1-9; Gl 2:16: Rm 9:32

What did Paul remind the Ephesians?

What did he emphasize to the Galatians?

Are you still struggling about walking in the grace of God given to you free of charge and by His love is made available to us in this ministry at such a time like this? What will men and women of old said if not that they obtained grace before God. Men (women) like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, Gideon, Ruth, Esther, Mary even our Jesus receive d grace and grew in stature and wisdom, so why are  you arguing or rejecting same free gift from God. The Apostles walked in grace, the likes of Stephen, Peter, John, Paul and so many others.

Beloved, the faith of God in us is manifest through the grace of God upon our lives, let us accept it and walk also in it and it shall be well with us. Let us believe God that His will found us just as His grace found Noah and his entirely family were saved and the keeper of the prison and his entirely household were also saved and baptized (Gen 6:8, Acts 16:27-34).

Beloved, that same grace is available to you and I today by the mercy of God, the question is will it find you ready? Be vigilant and don’t be arrogant, be humble and let grace find you. Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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