All honour, All Power, All glory belongs to God… All honour, All Power, All glory belongs to God… All honour, All Power, All glory belongs to God… All honour, All Power, All glory belongs to God…// Your are God and Your reign is for ever… alleluia  Your are God and Your reign is for ever… alleluia

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…we adore Thee, we give You Praise..alleluia to Father for all the good and marvelous things You are doing for us…blessed be Thy Holy Name forever.

We bow in worship O God for Your goodness enduerth through all generations… Ancient of Days we honour Thee, we give You Praise… we adore Thee, we glorify Thee forever and ever in Jesus Name…  Thank You for the gift of another week… the last lap of this blessed month…O Lord, we magnify Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Our God has done us well beloveth, let us lift up our voices in worship to the Only One God Who is above all… The Blessing of the Lord, it make rich and add no sorrow with it… and so the Lord will visit us before the end of this month and perfect everything concerning us in Jesus Name….Amen!!!

Beloveth, welcome to the last lap of this month… I hope you have been enjoying his Presence in all aspects of your life… beloveth… what are you without God? What can you do aside Him… nothing… absolutely nothing…that is why Jesus encourage us to be grafted to Him. When we are abiding in Him and Him in us we will fulfill destiny, obey and do the Will of God but if not… we will fulfill the desire of our flesh, lust after the pleasure of this world and serve satan and populate hell… God forbid.

Beloveth, today’s topic is of important to us as we must not use God’s blessings to fulfill satan’s mandate, his plan and craftiness… We must not be blinded by the God of this age… yes… beloveth, it happens subtly… unknowingly to us but before long the gap will be wider than it becomes a gulf and difficult to bridge… how do we get ourselves into slavery after liberation? I have this story to share with you.

Many years back, my Father was deputed from his bank to Mumbai, India, to attend a training course. He could not find a proper place to pray alone during his spare time and so one of his friends offered him his office room. So my Father used to pray there every Sunday from morning till evening and his friend would take him back home in his car. On the way back, my Father used to share his experiences of speaking with Jesus in that room. One such evening, that friend teased my Father, “next time, when Jesus comes to speak to you, ask Him what He thinks of me.”

The next Sunday, my father fasted and prayed as usual, Jesus came and told him, “Son, I know what your friend said to you. When he came to this city for the first time, he was in poverty and had to spend every night on the platform. But every day, as he earnestly sought me in prayer, I gradually lifted him up. Today, he is in a high position and finds no time to speak to me. I grieve over him every day.”

Yes, God loves to speak to you. He is the lover of your soul. In your busy schedule, don’t miss Jesus. He is the very source of your life. Let not your spirit grow dry. Drench it with His Presence. Return to the days when you were saved and were jubilant about your salvation. Let your love for Him grow everyday. Be filled with His love and diffuse its fragrance to others.

Beloveth, have you lost your first love? Where have you lost Him? Ask the Holy Spirit to help your infirmity… don’t let the god of this age to blind you…

Come along with us for more:

Regarding them: the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.—2 Corinthians 4:4

When you are blinded, you cannot see things as they really are, even though others around you see them clearly. You cannot experience the full reality of all that is around you. You may feel you are experiencing all that there is to life, yet you may be unaware that you are missing what God desires for you. You may even be in danger because of your blindness and not know it.

Paul warned that the “god of this age” can blind you to the reality of Jesus Christ. Christ’s presence can make a significant difference in your life. However, if Satan convinces you to doubt that Christ can do what He promised, he will have blinded you to the reality of what your life is really like and to what it could become. Others may see what your unbelief causes you to miss, but you will be unaware of it. Your life may be steadily moving toward disaster, but you will be oblivious to it.

Christ comes to you as light (John 1:4, 5, 9). He illuminates your sin so that you see its ugliness and destructiveness. He reveals Himself so that you can appreciate the glory of His person and the marvelous riches He brings. His presence lights your path so that you can see impending danger. Don’t let the god of this age distort your spiritual vision.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that everything is as it should be when, in fact, you are missing out on so much that God wants to do in your life. Ask Christ to illuminate your life and let you clearly see your spiritual condition.

Other ways you can be blinded by the gods of this age is through prayerlessness, complacency, idleness, laziness, haughtiness, lustfulness… may God help us in Jesus Name..

Beloveth may we not lose out on our blessings because of all vices mentioned above..… Beloveth where is your first love? Are you ready to go back to Him or willing to let Him come into your life again… then join us as we pray:

“Loving Father, I thank You for this day You have given me to analyse myself. I regret those days when I ignored Your Loving Presence. I am sorry that I depended on my own strength. Today, I choose to abide in you always and never to depart from You in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.”

If there is no relationship with Jesus, please click here to accept Him now…

Do you know beloveth, that ‘Your love for other will be at it best, only when your love for God is at first place.’

On this note we declare this week open and by His grace we will crown this month with unending blessings and glory…In Jesus Name…. Alleluia…

Further Reading- Prov 10:22, Isa 43:25, Rom.5:1, Rev 2:1-7.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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