Come let’s Praise the Lord, come let’s Praise the Lord, He is Jehovah, tell Come lets praise the Lord (Come lets praise the Lord) Come lets praise the Lord (Come lets praise the Lord) He is Jehovah (Tell the world of His faithfulness) He is El-Shaddai (Tell the world of His salvation) Spread the news around (Tell the world of his praise) Come lets praise the Lord (Praise the Lord) Forever and ever my God He is the same. He’ll never Change, From eternity to eternity, He’ll be my God. Forever and ever my God He is the same. He’ll never Change, From eternity to eternity, He’ll be my God. Praise Him!! Jehovah, Praise Him!! Jehovah, Praise Him!! The Lord of Lords//
Father, we are to Praise and glorify You for Who You are, dan sarkri Baba. How can we thank You enough for Who You are. Glory be You Lord, alleluia. It is only the living that can Praise the Lord. Thank You Father for the privilege to worship You, glory be to Your Name on high. What more can we say Lord, we bow and worship You. Thank You forever and ever.
Beloved, how are doing today? Hope all is well with you? Our God is good; all the time. Join me to sing praises to the Lord. did you remember what apostle Paul today us in Php 4:4-
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. It means that whatever be it if only you can find it worthy while to rejoice and Praise the Lord. satan will be frighten and give way to the glory of the Lord.
It might not be easy to do it especially if you are going through hardship but do you know that when you sing and worship and glorify God in your challenging times God smiles at you. You are only acknowledging the supremacy of God and you are handing over to Him to do that which Him alone can do in your life and situation.
Beloved, our God is beautiful in all situations; He will strengthen you if only you will come in humility and meekness as we were taught yesterday. I was highly blessed with yesterday teaching with this catchy word, “to be submissive to the “will of God,” patience or contentedness to self and to others, mildness to good and gentleness to evil.” Beloved, it can only be meek person that exhibit the above. We have a Moses recorded in the bible as meekest man on earth (Nu 12:3). We you see him pleading with God when He wanted to destroy the children of Israelite (Exo 32:9-11) just reflecting what our summarized teaching on meekness taught us.
Beloved, a man who has imbed meekness will not be far from a brokenness. For the remaining part of this week we will be considering what it means to be “Broken.” Are you broken? Do you know what it means to be broken?
The word Broken has many meaning but we will narrow it down to a heart that is broken before God. (Ps 51:17, Job 17:1). In Ps 51:17 – we saw a broken Spirit or a repentant Spirit but in Job 17:1 we saw a man who is sorrowing from what befell him. come along with me as we discover more:
- Is a prerequisite to usability by our Heavenly Father.
- Is viewed by the pride-driven world as a sign of weakness.
Which category do you fall into:
Focus on the failure of others | Are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need
Are self-righteous; have a critical, fault-finding spirit; look at their own life/faults through a telescope, but at others’ with a microscope
Are compassionate; forgiving; look for the best in others |
Look down on others | Esteem all others better than self
Are independent/possess a self-sufficient spirit | Possess a dependent spirit/recognize the need for others
Maintain control; must have it their way
Surrender control |
Have to prove that they are right | Are willing to yield the right to be right
Claim their rights | Yield their rights
Have a demanding spirit | Have a giving spirit
Are self-protective of their time, rights, and reputation
Are self-denying |
Desire to be served | Are motivated to serve others
Desire to be a success | Desire to be faithful to make others a success 79
” The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18). Beloved, having gone through these can it be said that you are broken? Am sure the web cut us in many areas. What are you plans around where you are weak? We need to plead with the Holy Spirit to help us. he is the only One that can help our infirmities, call on Him now. And He will help you to live a blameless life: come on for more discover:
On Leading A “Blameless” Life
- ” But Dwight, there is no way you can stay in business without shading the truth.“
- The sign on the condominium announces, ” 75% Sold” . I happen to know that the figure is 40%. The owners are highly visible Christian businessmen in the community.
The Scriptures correctly indict the human race in observing, ” All men are liars.” (Psalm 116:11)
So, what is the standard for believers who domicile, socialize and make their living in a world of liars? Answer: To be “blameless”:
” The righteous man leads a blameless life… ” (Proverbs 20:7)
In this context “blameless” is defined as:
(1) INTEGRITY: That is, there is congruency between what youverbalize and what you practice: WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get. No one can point the finger at you and legitimately cry, ” Hypocrite“!
(2) SIMPLICITY: ” My heart is not haughty, O Lord , nor my eyes lofty; Neither do I concern myself with great matters nor with things too profound for me.” (Psalm 131:1)
Over the years I have observed that maturing Christians are continually taking steps to simplify their lives rather than allowing them to become increasingly complex.
As Gandhi once said, ” There is more to life than increasing its speed.“
(3) INNOCENCE: Jesus talked about the virtues of childlikeness: ” I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)
Are not simplicity and innocence trademarks of children? The more complex our lives become, the more we are inclined to loose our innocence.
QUESTION: How would your lost associates describe your life?
As phony? Inconsistent? Fake? Or as Authentic? Real? Genuine?
How you answer that question defines whether or not you are in fact a righteous person as evidenced by your blameless life. (Adapted from FOTM).
Our month of sure-footedness, may God help us to know Him, serve Him, in this world and in the world to come. We will fear the Lord, we will bear His mark, we must live righteously, we will be His children indeed, may God help us. Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.