Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name, we bow down before You… x2…. Glorious God…Beautiful King…Excellent God we bow before Your Throne… Glorious!!! Glorious God…Beautiful King…Excellent God we bow before Your Throne… We bow before the Throne, We worship at Your Feet… We bow before the Throne You are Glorious God! We bow before Your Throne We worship at Your Feet
You are Yahweheeee! You are Yahweheeee! You are Yahweh, Alpha! Omega… You are Yahweh, Alpha! Omega…
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You for making it possible for us to see another new week in the land of living…Father we honour Your Holy Name, blessed be Your Holy Name…come and have your way again in our lives today…and do that which no man can do… give us every reason to shout alleluia at the end of it in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… good morning…. how was weekend? Thank God for the blessings of the Eight month… New beginning… Our God is Great… He is Good for ever more!!!
Yeah! Do we continue in sin that grace will abound? Enjoying God’s peace, progress and blessing can never given to an enemy of God.. when you are not living righteously, you are not God’s own child… you belong to satan therefore you are not entitle to what belongs to the children of God… blessing, good success and deliverance inclusive… we are therefore enjoined to run from sin and embrace righteous living…
God’s abhors sin … any manner of sin… is an abomination unto God… therefore we must stay away from every thing that will make us fall into sin and hold firmly to God’s Word and righteousness in Jesus Name….
Come along for more:
What should we say then? Should we continue in sin in order that grace may multiply? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it?—Romans 6:1–2
A Christian has died to sin. Sin has no control over a corpse. Temptation can present itself enticingly and persistently, yet a corpse will not succumb! Before you were a Christian you were keenly susceptible to sin. Sin held you in its grip. When you became a Christian, your old self died (Gal. 2:20). Sin now has no more control over you than temptation has over a corpse. You have died to sin. You can still sin, but you are no longer in sin’s power. If you choose to succumb to temptation, you are rejecting the freedom from sin that Christ gained for you by His death.
God’s grace is a further motivation for us to resist sin. It was God’s grace that enabled Jesus to endure mocking, beating, and crucifixion at the hands of those whom He had come to save. It was grace that led God to forgive our sin despite our rebellion against Him. It is this same grace that God expresses toward us each time we sin against Him. Knowing this grace, we cannot continue to practice sin (Rom. 6:1–2). We cannot presume upon God’s forgiveness by committing further offenses.
You are no longer the helpless victim of your sin. The victory has already been won. God does not have to win a victory over your sin; He already has! You only need to apply His victory to each area of your life. If there is a sinful habit, an ungodly attitude, or an unrighteous relationship that you need to put to death, claim the victory of Christ’s resurrection today. Then you will be free to experience the abundant life that God intends for you.
Did you read the last paragraph… God has overcome sin… it has no power over you again… you have to live as an overcomer that you are… the grace of God is also abound unto us to do good works not dead works… arise now and embrace Jesus… keep away from evil … ask the Holy Spirit to help you and uphold you till the end in Jesus Name…
Do you want to enjoy God’s deliverance surrender your live to Him… reject every thing that does not glorify His Name… look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith… keep altar fire glowing that takes care of every thing that is not godly in your lives and situation …
On this note we declare this week open and blessed and we will return at the end we greater testimonies in Jesus Name…
Remain blessed in the Lord.