We give You glory as we worship You! We give You glory as we honour You! You are wonderful, You are worthy O! Lord! You are wonderful, You are worthy O! God!// You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify! You are the Lord, let Your Name be magnify, we give You glory and honour, You are the let Your Name be glorify! // I am thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba.
Our Father in heaven we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! Thank You for the gift of another day, we say a resounding to Your Holy Name, Who is able to do all things, thank You for the first Faith clinic in this ministry in this year, be Praise forever O! Lord in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, let us thank God for His faithfulness to us all through last year, let us thank Him for His provisions even when our faith is at it lowest ebb, He still make us laugh, let us therefore open our mouth to acknowledge His Majesty in all things and to thank Him for that He will yet do this year. Yes! If He has done it last year this year will not be too much for him to handle. Thank Him for the help that He will send as the day goes by all through this year. Let’s thank Him for those things He will send to us even before we recognize it as a need.
Beloveth, this is aspect that surprises me most, when God will send His help ahead of your need, you will get to that point and you will be like O! My God! He sent it just yesterday (you receive a cash or gift) just few days away and the exact need for it comes up, you know you don’t need to struggle get it solve because the resources are already in your hands. Or you had a need and you don’t know how to go about it, just with little effort someone came to help you and at the end you know that it is only God that will have sent that help ahead of you.
Beloved, today is not for prayer but I want you to deposit prayers ahead to water the ground for your faith seed to thrive on this year, don’t take it for granted. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you that your faith will not be low, will not be doubtful, and will not slothful but will be fervent that even when you don’t know what to do, even when you don’t understand, the Lord will help you.
Now we are will consider the topic of today beloveth, the Lord said “casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” beloveth, like we studied on Tuesday 5th of this month, it takes Trust to abide in God. If you cannot Trust Him it will be very difficult to rely on Him to help you in time of need.
At this first clinic the Lord is saying to you “cast your burden upon Him,” can you do as you were commanded? Or you think you can handle it may be you are not sure whether He will do it for you this year or whether He do it at your own time or when it pleases Him. So you are not sure you will want to cast it upon Him.
But hear the second part of that speech “….for He careth for you.” did you hear that? He said He careth for you.” Beloveth, I am not only running but I have increased my speed to do as I was commanded. Who will do it better than our God? Who is able to do if not Him too? Let Thy Hand help me O! Lord! (Ps 119:173).
The day I got the vision for this verse of the bible I have not let God rest. I put everything in His Hand because I know it is settle. I am not going to beg Him because He careth for me. He love me and have planned out my life before the need arise. Beloveth, our God is too wonderful. He is ever Faithful, ever Reliable, forever Trusting. Shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know where you are or what has happen to you before you meet this message but I know that if only you will obey the voice of the Lord as we were instructed from the beginning of this year, you will not regret it, you leap and jump up to glorify the Name of the Lord.
I pray for God of sudden and great surprises to visit you right now and help you. The Lord Who help me and raised me from horrible pit and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings, beloveth He put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto Him will help you also (Ps 40:2-3).
Our God is not a God of favoritism, what He does for one He will always do for another, so if you want to testify as I am doing each time I minister, get into the boat and join evangelism ministry. Tell of the little things He did for you in your market place (office, business) to encourage another person for the Lord’s faithfulness, next time He will do a bigger one because He knows that someone is going to hear it whose heart will turn to Him, so He will keep doing wonders for you. Praise the Lord.
Don’t seal your lip rather go about and tell of His great works in your and that will showcase God to the world. Alleluia somebody!!! (Ps 40:9-10) Stop hoarding God’s miracles in your family and in your life; for by so doing you are limiting yourself. Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, let us allow faith to take over from us, drop your doubt, fear, carefulness, and all if, but and what if at the feet of Lamb Whose blood delivered from death and famine. Allow the Spirit of God take over from you and do that which only God can do in your life this year.
At the last faith clinic of this year, you will take count and tell us whether God did it all or not.
So if you in agreement with us then come before the throne of mercy and put down all those burdens and even in the future as the need arise come and drop it at His feet and He will take care of it.
Come on let discover more:
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
It is a happy way of soothing sorrow when we can feel—”HE careth for me.” Christian! do not dishonour religion by always wearing a brow of care; come, cast your burden upon your Lord. You are staggering beneath a weight which your Father would not feel. What seems to you a crushing burden, would be to Him but as the small dust of the balance. Nothing is so sweet as to
“Lie passive in God’s hands,
And know no will but His.”
O child of suffering, be thou patient; God has not passed thee over in His providence. He who is the feeder of sparrows, will also furnish you with what you need. Sit not down in despair; hope on, hope ever.
Take up the arms of faith against a sea of trouble, and your opposition shall yet end your distresses. There is One who careth for you. His eye is fixed on you, His heart beats with pity for your woe, and his hand omnipotent shall yet bring you the needed help. The darkest cloud shall scatter itself in showers of mercy.
The blackest gloom shall give place to the morning. He, if thou art one of His family, will bind up thy wounds, and heal thy broken heart. Doubt not His grace because of thy tribulation, but believe that He loveth thee as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness.
What a serene and quiet life might you lead if you would leave providing to the God of providence! With a little oil in the cruse, and a handful of meal in the barrel, Elijah outlived the famine, and you will do the same. If God cares for you, why need you care too?
Can you trust Him for your soul, and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens, He has never fainted under their weight. Come, then, soul! have done with fretful care, and leave all thy concerns in the hand of a gracious God.
Beloveth, will you cooperate with the Holy Spirit and cast your burden at the feet of Jesus and see what will happen.
I have drop mine and we encourage you to drop yours so that we share our testimonies together in Jesus Name!
Father in heaven we believe in You, we trust In Your Name, we therefore surrender all to You as a ministry and we believe we receive according to Your Word to us in Jesus Name. If You can use a bird to feed your prophet then we know You can do more for us, for with You nothing is impossibility as we connect to God of impossibility and God of Awesome Provider, may we receive from You all that we are trusting and believing in You will happen in our lives in Jesus Name.
Our God will lift us up according to His Word in Jesus Name.
Thank You Father, it is done in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.