Thou Art Weighed in the Balances …
Glorious God we worship You, we praise Your Holy Name, we bless works of Your Hand, Lord, we say thank You. Father, I cannot...
“Joint heirs with Christ.”
We are heirs of the Father,
We are jointed with the Son,
We are children of the kingdom,
We are family, we are one.
Father, we thank You...
Enlarge Your Tent!
Glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love. All glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love. All glory glory alleluia His...
making necessary adjustments
July 25
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but...
Why Do You Doubt?
April 10
We are grateful to You Lord for Your goodness and mercies in the lives of Your children. What a privilege to be called...
“He did it with all his heart and prospered.”
I will lift up Jesus higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah...
In the midst of a crooked and…
Father, we are so grateful to You for all You have done for us, when we recount of Your goodness, Your love Your kindness,...
God Looks for Clay
February 4
Precious Lord, we appreciate You for Who You Are. Just Who You are, not only what You can do but Who You Are...
Ye are Christ’s.
Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise His Holy Name. He has done great things He had do...
The Cost to Others
July 26
Father, we thank Thee for another end of the week. Thank You for the season we are in; for the land is yielding...