God Is A Sanctuary….

Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!! For His...

Guardian of the Fatherless….

Glory be to God in the highest Amen… Alleluia…x2 For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! x2// I have seen the Lord Goodness His Mercy...

Walk In Light….

Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! Among the gods who is like Thee… You are glorious...

Prayer For Peace…

Glorious God…. Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the Throne… We bow before the Throne we worship at Your Feet, we bow before...

From Fetters Free….

I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… Alleluia!!!..// You are the Most...

Whose battle?…..

I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted above my enemies Your banner over us is love… Alleluia! I will lift up Your...

Set Apart….

Come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the...

Unstaggering Trustfulness…..

You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your Glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody...

Unbroken Fellowship Essential…..

I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… your banner over me is love…// let the Living water flow...

God Routs Fear…..

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord…!! Alleluia Praise the Lord for Jesus concured satan Alleuia Praise the Lord…//...