At God’s Bidding
Great is Thy faithfulness great is Thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I need Thy Hands has provided great...
Who Are You?
I will lift up my voice, I will joyfully sing not for what He has done but for You are. You are the song...
Conducting A Spiritual Audit
Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart all...
“Fellow citizens with the saints.”
How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent, How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is your name, how excellent is...
Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O Lord, among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious...
Walk Without Stumbling
Praising the Lord always, praising the Lord always, praising the Lord with all our heart, praising the Lord with all our heart always alleluia...
Ancient of Days how old are You are now, how old are You now, You will never change. Ancient of Days how old are...
Fear Has Its Place
Worthy worthy is the Lord, worthy worthy is the Lord, worthy worthy is the Lord that was slain. worthy worthy is the Lord, worthy...
Delivered into Your Hand
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus You are love of my life, Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the Lord of my life O Jesus You are...
God Looks for Clay
Is not by our righteousness but by His alone, is not by works of righteousness but by His grace alone, is not by works...