“Meditate on These Things”

I will lift up Jesus higher…I will lift up Jesus higher OOO Jehovah Alpha and Omega I will lift up Jesus higher…OOO Jehovah Alpha...

Whom Is God Sending to You?

Praise the Lord O! my soul Praise the Lord O! my soul… Praise the Lord O! My soul Praise the Lord O! My soul…//...

Learning to Love

Our God is a perfect God…Our God is a perfect God…Our God is a perfect God…Yes He is perfect God…// All Glory must be...

Encounters with God

Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee…our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow...

The Living Word

Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious...

Our Motivation of Love

You are a Mighty Man in battle El-Shaddia…You are a Mighty Man in battle Jehovah Nissa… You are a Mighty Man in battle El-Shaddia…...

Warfare . . . or Discipline? 

I am so glad I belong Jesus, I belong to Jesus, I belong to my God… I am so glad I belong Jesus, I...

Sowing Seeds of Righteousness

Glory be to the Lord alleluia! Glory be to the Lord alleluia! glory be to the  Lord in the highest alleluia! alleluia! glory be...

Making a Difference

You are the Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer… You send Your Word and heal my disease, You are the...

“Call thy labourers, and give them their hire.”

Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne… Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne… we bow...