I really want to thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus Thank You. I really wanna thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus, thank you. // Come let’s Praise the Lord, (Come let’s Praise the Lord) Come let’s Praise the Lord (come let’s Praise the Lord) He is Jehovah (Tell the world of His faithfulness) He is El-Shaddai (Tell the world of His salvation) Spread the news around (Tell the world of his praise) Come lets praise the Lord (Praise the Lord) Forever and ever my God He is the same, He’ll never Change, From eternity to eternity,
He’ll be my God, Praise Him!! Jehovah, Praise Him!! Jehovah, Praise Him!! The Lord of Lords.//

My God is good, my God is good, my God is good, He is good. My God is good, my God is good, my God is good, He is good, My God is good, He is good, My God is good, He is so good. Father, You are good indeed, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, thank You Father for all You have done for us and You are to do, let all glory, all honour, all adoration belongs to You alone who is worthy of our Praise.

What shall I say to You Jehovah, all I have to say is thank You Lord. what shall I say to You Jehovah, all I have to say is thank you Lord. thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, all I have to say, is thank You Lord. Thank you Lord thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank you Lord.

Thank You Father for answers to prayers, for Your mercies that enduerth to all generation, glory be to You, that miracles that only You can do, glory, honour adoration, belong to you alone in Jesus Name.

Beloved, it is good to praise the Lord, the Psalmist said  Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.  Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.  Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.  Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.  Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 150:1-6 (KJV).

Do you have your trumpet? Do you your psaltery and harp? Or is your timbrel with you? Or is your stringed instruments and organ you have? Praise Him with dance and loud cymbals, Praise Him with high sounding cymbals, let every thing that has breath Praise the Lord, Praise yea the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you praising Him? are you dancing? O sing praises to Him for He is worthy of our Praise. Glory be to God on high. Let us Praise God who can never fail us nor forsake us. He is indeed our Rock in Ages past. may His Name be Praise for ever more.

He is our cover and our protector. He shall cover Thee under His feathers, and under His wings shalt Thou trust; his truth shall be Thy shield and buckler, Praise be the Name of the Lord, alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, come on for more:

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Ps. 91:4


A condescending simile indeed! Just as a hen protects her brood and allows them to nestle under her wings, so will the Lord defend His people, and permit them to hide away in Him. Have we not seen the little chicks peeping out from under the mother’s feathers? Have we not heard their little cry of contented joy? In this way let us shelter ourselves in our God, and feel overflowing peace in knowing that He is guarding us.

While the Lord covers us we trust. It would be strange if we did not. How can we distrust when Jehovah Himself becomes house and home, refuge and rest to us?

This done, we go out to war in His name and enjoy the same guardian care. We need shield and buckler, and when we implicitly trust God, even as the chick trusts the hen, we find His truth arming us from head to foot. The Lord cannot lie; He must be faithful to His people; His promise must stand. This sure truth is all the shield we need. Behind it we defy the fiery darts of the enemy.

Come, my soul, hide under those great wings, lose thyself among those soft feathers! How happy thou art!

Beloved did you read that “ even chick trust the hen, bringing it home, even our little children trust us as well, why then are we misplacing our trust in God? come O my soul  hide under those mighty wings and lose thyself among those sofe feathers!!!!!! Come and discover more about His undying love for you, early in the week we were told to “Tell it as it is”, Jesus is here to “Tell you as it is”:

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3


Sometimes the Lord Jesus tells His Church His love thoughts. “He does not think it enough behind her back to tell it, but in her very presence He says, ‘Thou art all fair, my love.’ It is true, this is not His ordinary method; He is a wise lover, and knows when to keep back the intimation of love and when to let it out; but there are times when He will make no secret of it; times when He will put it beyond all dispute in the souls of His people” (R. Erskine’s Sermons).

The Holy Spirit is often pleased, in a most gracious manner, to witness with our spirits of the love of Jesus. He takes of the things of Christ and reveals them unto us. No voice is heard from the clouds, and no vision is seen in the night, but we have a testimony more sure than either of these. If an angel should fly from heaven and inform the saint personally of the Saviour’s love to him, the evidence would not be one whit more satisfactory than that which is borne in the heart by the Holy Ghost.

Ask those of the Lord’s people who have lived the nearest to the gates of heaven, and they will tell you that they have had seasons when the love of Christ towards them has been a fact so clear and sure, that they could no more doubt it than they could question their own existence. Yes, beloved believer, you and I have had times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and then our faith has mounted to the topmost heights of assurance.

We have had confidence to lean our heads upon the bosom of our Lord, and we have no more questioned our Master’s affection to us than John did when in that blessed posture; nay, nor so much: for the dark question, “Lord, is it I that shall betray thee?” has been put far from us. He has kissed us with the kisses of His mouth, and killed our doubts by the closeness of His embrace. His love has been sweeter than wine to our souls.

Glory be to God on high. Blessed be his Name forever. Thank God for the assurance of His cover, protection and love, glory be to Him on high. Forever O! Lord Your Word is settled in heaven.

Thank You Father, Thank You Lord. Receive my Praise, receive my honour, be Thou glorified in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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