Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne.// I am thanking God for Who You are, what You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You God for Who You are, what You have done Dan Sakari Baba.
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! We adore You we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name! thank You Father for Great and Mighty Things You are have done for us, alleluia to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, good morning, how are doing today? Welcome to another prayer session. “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Are you ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Living Jesus!
Prayer is the Key as Jesus is the Rock! Alleluia! One of the disciples of Jesus said to Him “Master, teach us how to pray…”(Lk 11:1). And Jesus taught them.
Beloveth, did you notice one thing in this passage of the scripture immediately “Jesus said unto them” when you pray, say “Our Father which art in heaven….”
Did you notice that said did not tell them “the hour has not come.” Did you also notice that Jesus did not speak in parable to them? He went straight to teach them how to pray. This is pointing to us how important prayer is and how he has desired of them to seek the face of His Father in heaven.
Beloveth, our fathers of faith who ran with this gospel prayed earnestly that the gospel of our Lord Jesus moves far beyond them on their knees and today you and I have the gospel preached to us few yards from where we are. This is as a result of someone’s prayer despite what this generation is doing in most part of the world to hinder the gospel of our Lord Jesus it will never happen because the faith we profess is built on a solid Rock and truth as declared Jesus in Matt 16:16-19. Praise the Lord!
Our topic today said “Delight thyself also in the Lord.” let complete this sentence “and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” How will you delight yourself in the Lord someone want to know.
Firstly, “delighting yourself in the Lord” has a reward…. And He will give you the desires of your heart.” Then puzzle we have here is how do we delight ourselves in the Lord?
We delight ourselves in the Lord first by being delightful fellowship with God by opening our Bible and reading through it pages beloveth as you go through the Word of God, you see God in all the lines as you read through, as we read through our heart is open and incline towards Him in anticipation of what He has to say to us.
As we open the Bible Jesus desires to draw us into His Word where we begin to fathom the extent of His love for us and how we can love Him back. As we linger with Him, the wisdom of His Written revelation- His very thoughts and purposes- are revealed. Those who transparently and whole-heartedly enter the scripture cannot remain the same- their worldview is ever infused with His life. Jesus takes His written Words and writes living heritage on our human hearts. And as He does, we are change from glory to glory. (Ps 119:16,24, Acts 20:32, 2 Cor.3;18, Heb 4:12).
Beloveth therefore we delight ourselves through reading God’s Word and we do God moves in our lives, revelation are unfolds in days – even moments, and we pass into the place of faith and practice that were completely foreign to us before. Beloveth this is the testimony of spiritual awakening in our life.
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit that quickens our mind through His gift with evidence of His fruit in our life. When you are God’s presence through the help of the Holy Spirit reveal to you the thoughts and intents of God and you pray into what He revealed to you. The scriptures came alive with the Holy Spirit to guide us. Prayer took on the boldness- and the Lord answers our prayers.
The Holy Spirit teaches us to persevere in the place of prayers especially if the answers do not come immediately. Remember that Holy Spirit is a PERSON, He teaches us to love Him as a person and that create for an intimate love relationship and you have more of a conversational prayer other than instructive prayer. (Jn 14:26, Jn 16:7-15, Jn 20:22, Eph 1:13).
Beloveth, when you tarry in God’s presence it is like the shepherds taking care of his sheep. We begin to learn how to hear Him and respond to Him as well. The Lord shepherds us with His voice and we respond to Him with ours. Isn’t it logical that the One Who calls Himself the Word is always communicating? And that He, Who created us to commune with Him, sacrificed Himself so that we could return to Him, and know what we will say before we say it, like to hear our voice talking to Him? Delighting ourselves in Him.
Thankfully, this most meaningful of all conversation is never based on our goodness, our achievements, or the quality of our questions. The privilege of hearing and being heard is based on the sacrifice of Jesus alone (remember yesterday’s teaching).
God is love and His love must reach for relationship. Our responsibility is to recognize His Voice and respond to Him. then He faithfully replies. In the interlude we enjoy His Presence, obey, and trust. I think this running conversation is what Paul encouraged when he said to us “pray continually.”
We are either listening to the Lord or expressing something to Him and waiting in anticipation for His response. This is the duty and joy of our lives. Eventually, we find that we cant live without the Lord of the conversation. We simply must pray.
Prayer is indispensably edify and strengthening. Our conversation with God introduces wisdom and bequeaths peace. When we do not know how to proceed, prayer is the next reasonable step. It is a relief. It is easy. It is rest. (Jer 33:3, Ps 17:6).
Beloveth another way of delighting yourself in the Lord is through Thankfulness. Thankfulness keeps you linked to God and anchored in his Presence. Worry, on the other ha d pulls you into the future, where you wander in barren places of uncertainty. However, you can always return to me by whispering, “Lord, help me.”
To live consistently in the presence of God, seek to become more grateful. Look around you, searching for more gifts He showers upon you. As you thank him for these blessings, go into detail- express yourself enthusiastically! This will increase your gratitude and enhance your ability to grasp how blessed you really are.
Come along for more dearly beloved:
“Delight thyself also in the Lord.” Psalm 37:4
The teaching of these words must seem very surprising to those who are strangers to vital godliness, but to the sincere believer it is only the inculcation of a recognized truth. The life of the believer is here described as a delight in God, and we are thus certified of the great fact that true religion overflows with happiness and joy.
Ungodly persons and mere professors never look upon religion as a joyful thing; to them it is service, duty, or necessity, but never pleasure or delight. If they attend to religion at all, it is either that they may gain thereby, or else because they dare not do otherwise.
The thought of delight in religion is so strange to most men, that no two words in their language stand further apart than “holiness” and “delight.” But believers who know Christ, understand that delight and faith are so blessedly united, that the gates of hell cannot prevail to separate them.
They who love God with all their hearts, find that His ways are ways of pleasantness, and all His paths are peace. Such joys, such brimful delights, such overflowing blessednesses, do the saints discover in their Lord, that so far from serving Him from custom, they would follow Him though all the world cast out His name as evil.
We fear not God because of any compulsion; our faith is no fetter, our profession is no bondage, we are not dragged to holiness, nor driven to duty. No, our piety is our pleasure, our hope is our happiness, our duty is our delight.
Delight and true religion are as allied as root and flower; as indivisible as truth and certainty; they are, in fact, two precious jewels glittering side by side in a setting of gold.
“‘Tis when we taste Thy love,
Our joys divinely grow,
Unspeakable like those above,
And heaven begins below.”
Beloveth, you have seen it all (or read it all). Delighting ourselves in the Lord is a joy to our soul. And we do this through the reading of his Word, then cut up in revelation of the Word, we pray and as we pray, we offer thanksgiving in appreciation of what God have done for us and our hearts overflow with joy. Joy that can only come from Him not because we are rich by world standards but by His unfailing love that is priceless! This love guarantees that you find refuge in the shadow of his wings no matter what is happening. It also gives you access to the rivers of his delights, beloveth turn to Him and drink from this ravishing river: His loving Presence. He is your delight; Your Joy.
Beloveth, I guess you are ready to pray now! find that space and place in your corner and communion with Him. In His Presence; there is fullness of joy.
Bask in that joy and see God’s Hand fulfilling your heart desires.
Let us pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.