Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercy I see, all that I needed Thy Hand, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.// Good morning Jesus, good morning Lord, I know You come from heaven above, the Holy Spirit is on the throne, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord.
What shall I say unto Jehovah, all I have to say is thank You Lord! Father I hereby say thank You to You, thank You for all You have done for us, Thank You for saving our lives from destruction, thank You for the peace that comes from You alone. Thank You for being God indeed unto me. Thank You Jesus thank You Lord. Who is wonderful? Is Jesus, Who is glorious? Is Jesus, who gracious? Is Jesus, shout alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia, alleluia.
We are children of God, we are to Praise and worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords the Ancient One, the One Who is and is yet to come. Shout a resounding alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!
Our God is a good good God. Excellent is His Name. Wonderful are His works, let us worship the Lord forever, I will worship Him everyday. Come let us worship the Lord forever, we will worship Him everyday.
Beloved, hope you are good? Glory be to Jesus! adoration to the King of kings for the wonderful things He has done for us from the beginning of the year upon till this time. It is God’s that we are not consumed. The enemy struck but we are standing because the Lord is on our side, we escape from their evil net, Praise the Lord, we are free.
Today is another opportunity to pray, yes! Prayer is the key to victory, Jesus prayed and His ministry manifested, He thought His disciples to pray, He also encourages us pray always (Lk 18:1). That is to show how important and powerful prayer is in everything we are doing or engage. The power of prayer cannot be under emphasis as the key is a Master key.
Master key opens every padlock, once it is in it opens. That is why we must offer prayers that will keep the key lubricated to function as supposed. Praise the Lord!
Do you know that our prayers quickens? If you want anything done and done prompting then you must learn to pray. prayer does not change God nor convinces God to do anything rather prayers show our reliance on God to do what we desired to come to pass. Prayers bring about the will of God concerning us/ nation to pass.
As we later discover from the ministration below God is waiting for you and I to pray a prayer that birth destiny. Are you ready to do that? Okay join us as we discover more still on the Lord’s Prayer:
Isaiah 57:14-60:16,Psalm 119:1-4, Proverbs 24:17-18, Philippians 2:12-30
Doing His Will—Now
For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose.—Philippians 2:13
Theologians are divided about whether the statement of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer should be translated “in earth as it is in heaven” or “on earth as it is in heaven.” We decided to examine both prepositions, and today we look at the words “on earth.”
Most commentators believe the phrase has reference to the world of human beings who have their home on this earth. In other words—us. Fantastic as it may sound, a day will dawn when this earth will be peopled with those who will do the will of God, not with resentment or resignation, but with rejoicing. That day may not be as far distant as we may think, so we ought to double our efforts in prayer and joyously become involved in bringing our lives in line with His will. One thing is sure—the more you and I conform to His will, the more quickly can His purposes for this earth be realized. John Wesley famously said: “God does nothing redemptively in this world except by prayer.” Can you see what he is saying? The purposes of God for the future will have to cross the bridge of prayer.
This raises the question: how committed are you and I to doing the will of God? Are we hindering or are we promoting the interests of His future kingdom? It is vital that we Christians, both individually and corporately, focus our prayers on this issue with fervency and passion, remembering as we do so that the more abandoned we are to the divine will, the more speedily will His purposes come to pass for the world.
O Father, in the light of this challenge today, I feel like praying: “Your will be done, on earth in me as it is done in heaven.” Grant it, I pray, for the honor and glory of Your peerless name. Amen.
Further Study
Mt 3; Jn 8:29; 1Th 4:1; Heb 13:16
What was the pronouncement from heaven?
Could this be said of your life?
Beloved, can answer the question asked above? How committed are you in seeing that the will of God come to pass? It is so important that go about our Father business with the same zeal we go about our own business.
Do you want to changes in your life and ministry then you ought to pray and faint not. Do you want to see the “will” of God concerning this nation, a particular individual come to pass then you ought to pray. Beloved is possible it is you want to see God’s will manifest in your life and family then you ought to pray and faint not.
This is a call to pray, hope you are ready to do so. Last week we learn that prayers that move mountain are prayers that are prayed with fervency and not recitation. Today we are seeing more again that nothing ever happen without prayer, therefore beloved let our knees go down and we will see our answers come down as dew from heaven, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father give us the grace to pray and continue praying until we receive answers from you in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.