I will lift Your Name higher… I will lift Your Name Higher…x2 I will lift up Your Name… Above every other Name…// Jehovah! Jehovah!! Jehovah!!!….Who is like unto Thee O Lord Who is like unto Thee O Lord… Among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Name, we adore Thee ,we give You Praise alleluia to You Father … receive all the glory… receive all the honour… we worship and adore Thee forever and ever Amen!!!

We serve a Living God that answers by fire… Our God is a Mighty God… Thank You Father for making Yourself Great in our Midst… Thank You for watching over us, helping and fighting our battles… receive all the glory… All honour, All adorations in Jesus Name….

Beloveth… who can battle with the Lord… Who can battle with the Lord… Who can battle with the Lord I say nobody!!!! No one can battle with the Lord… among men, among gods, not even satan can battle with our God… alleluia somebody!

Beloveth… I don’t know at what point this message will get to you… but from my own calculation we are just 30hrs from the end of the month… I don’t know how far you are from achieving your target for 2023… Is also possible that you may have surpassed your target… glory be to God…

However, peradventure for any reason you find yourself behind schedule… behind target… all something tragically happened and wept off all what you have laboured for… and you are very upset and angry and you are asking God why me?

Oftentimes we feel abandoned by same God who promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us… being battered by things we are going through… satan know that he cannot break you… he then work hard to wear you out…so he lie and deceive you… making you believe that God has abandoned you…

But never mind God’s word will never fall therefore hold on to it… read, study and do it and satan will flee away from you because you are built on the solid ground- God’s Word…

So if you are point as indicate by today’s topic join me to discover how to be an overcomer…once again…

Come along with us for more:

Ever Feel Abandoned?

Disconnected? Cast aside? Isolated? Take heart my friend, because God is “a father to the fatherless… and sets the lonely in families.” (Psalm 68:5a, 6a) (See Psalm 10:4; 107:14)

Have you ever been crushed by circumstances? Overwhelmed by life? Whiplashed by a situation that seems out of your control? Take courage, because your loving Sovereign is concerned for the most defenseless among us: “A defender of widows.” (Psalm 68:5a) (See Psalm 72:2, 4)

Ever feel like a prisoner to your surroundings? Or to your sins? Or to life itself? The good news is that “God leads forth the prisoners with singing.” (Psalm 68:6) (See Psalm 107:10, 14; 147:6; Isaiah 61:1)

Perhaps you feel exhausted. Dried out. Stale. Look up because your Father promises to give you “abundant showers… ” as He “refreshes His weary inheritance.” (Psalm 68:9) (See Hosea 6:3)

You may be worried about meeting your financial obligations. Be at rest. “From your bounty, O God you [provide] for the poor.” (Psalm 68:10) (See Psalm 37:25; Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 13:5)

In case you are wondering if He is there, or even cares about your situation,

  • Muse over the words from Mozart’s Requiem, “Remember, merciful Jesu, that I am the cause of your journey.
  • Ponder the profundity of Brenan Manning’s story of an Irish priest who observes an old peasant kneeling by the side of the road, praying. Impressed, the priest says to the man, “You must be very close to God.” The peasant looks up from his prayers, thinks a moment, and then smiles, “Yes, Hes very fond of me.
  • Identify with Karl Barth’s response to someone’s inquiry as to the most profound thought he had learned in all his theological studies, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Just how do we daily experience His grace? By total surrender to the lordship issues God has already identified in our lives. It is He, after all who gently reminds us that “only the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” (Psalm 68:6b) All He asks from us is radical honesty, and radical dependency, thus releasing Him to do what is so dear to His heart: “Daily [bear] our burdens.” (Psalm 68:19b)

That being true, let us offer this prayer to Him, “Lord, thank you for what you have allowed to come my way. I repent of my rebellion, fear, anger and stubborn self-will. In this moment I surrender to your Lordship, and choose to believe that for today you are my sufficiency and the answer to my every need. Thank you in Jesus Name. Amen.

Beloveth having prayed to God… let us also trust Him to do the miraculous… Yes the miraculous… Only Him can do what no man can do… and what he cannot do does not exists… Alleluia…

Thank You Most Holy God… another reason to honour Your Name… is here… hear our prayers and answer us as we pray… may our evidence be delivered to us Amen alleluia… Amen!!!

Further Reading Matt.4:4, Ps.37:5, Phil.4:13, Jer.33:3, Ps.77:11, Col.4:2, Rom.12:2, Acts.2:4, Josh.24:21, Ps 25:14, Col.3:3


Always remember that He will never forsake or abandoned you… He is a strong tower…when you run in … you are safe… Praise the Name of Jesus….


Remain blessed in the Lord.

vanguard newspaper today

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