He is alive forever…He is alive…Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen… He is alive forever…He is alive…Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen…// What shall I say unto the Lord…all I have to say is thank You Lord…x2 Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord….x2
Our Father in heaven we say thank You Lord for all the good things You have done for us…You are doing and will yet do…glory be to Your Name on high…in Jesus Name… O God that answers prayer…Praise Your Name El-Shaddai… Glory be to You on high in Jesus Name…Amen… Amen alleluia…Amen Alleluia Amen…
Let the Living water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control…if every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come…..
Yes Father unto Thee Your children comes this day…have You way in our life…do that which only can do.. We lift up our hands unto You and we say be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name… Amen…Amen…Amen!!!
Beloveth… is faith clinic, are you excited…. Yes without faith is impossible to please God… a shout of alleluia!!!!!!!!!! By God’s grace the Lord Himself will increase our faith in Him…He will help us and make us mighty men/women of valour as He did Gideon in Jesus Name… Hear the testimony about Elijah in James 5:17-18. “Elijah was a man of like passion with us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again; and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit…”
What about Moses, Abraham, David, Joshua, they are products of faith wrought by grace and this season God is looking for someone that will increase the names of the faithful and He has found you as He did found Gideon….you are making the list of the hall of faith at this season in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!
Being faithful with the impossible can only be possible through faith in Christ Jesus through grace… Amen! Or how can a man like Moses stood before Pharaoh if not by grace, he would have been crushed but because he was covered by grace, Pharaoh entertained his various visits to the palace… (Exo 3:12a).
Today, we are going to consider the second gift of grace- ‘Favour’…. When the grace is abound favour as gift is bestowed. Again in Exo 3:21, God said to Moses “I will cause the Egyptians to look favourably on you. They will give you gifts when you go so you will not leave empty-handed.
Beloveth Divine (or supernatural) favour is a demonstration of God’s sovereignty and loving kindness towards His children. It is a manifestation of blessing that is designed to help you and to help others extend the kingdom of God on earth. It is an amazing benefit of working by God’s grace.
The favour of God yields both material and spiritual benefits. It brings influence, divine appointment, divine connections, promotion, unusual preferential treatment from people, sudden breakthroughs, financial provision, redemption from missed opportunities- all of which you could not have done on your own and all of which will ultimately glorify God in the eyes of others and draw you into closer relationship with Him.
With divine favour, things that would have taken you ten years to do in your business or spiritual life will be accomplished within months. You will find yourself sitting in key meetings that you normally wouldn’t have the credentials to be invited to. Things that otherwise would have been impossible suddenly are made possible. You absolutely need the favour of God (and favour of men that He orchestrates) in order to accomplished the dreams He has placed in your heart for both the market place and your spiritual growth.
When God places you in favoured position, He gives you influence in order to be a blessing to the people around you. You are blessed (empowered to prosper) in order to be a blessing to others (Gen12:2). It is certainly possible to earn the favour of men and gain influence in your own strength, but too many entrepreneurs (soul winners) stop with the natural favour that must be earned. The invitation God is offering you is to ignite a confident expectation for something distinctively more powerful than natural favour that is earned and maintained on your own.
He is inviting you to experience divine favour in business and other spheres of life; favour that is orchestrated by Him.
The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending you?”—Judges 6:14
In Gideon’s mind, victory over the Midianites was an impossibility, and he was absolutely right! The Midianites, along with their allies, overwhelmed the feeble Hebrews. Yet the moment God told Gideon to fight them, victory was no longer an impossibility!
When Jesus commanded His small group of followers to make disciples of all nations, was that possible (Matt. 28:19)? Certainly, if Jesus said it was! When Jesus told His disciples to love their enemies, was He being realistic? Of course, because He was the One who would achieve reconciliation through them (2 Cor. 5:19–20).
Do you treat commands like these as implausible? Do you modify God’s word to find an interpretation that seems reasonable to you? Don’t discount what is possible with God (Phil. 4:13). When God gives an assignment, it is no longer an impossibility, but rather it is an absolute certainty.
When God gives you a seemingly impossible task, the only thing preventing it from coming to pass is your disobedience. When God speaks, it can scare you to death! He will lead you to do things that are absolutely impossible in your own strength. But God will grant you victory, step by step, as you obey Him.
How do you respond to assignments that seem impossible? Do you write them off as unattainable? Or do you immediately adjust your life to God’s revelation, watching with anticipation to see how He will accomplish His purposes through your obedience?
God wants to do the impossible through your life. All He requires is your obedience.
God did the impossible through Gideon and so many of His generals in both old and new testaments… Today God wants to do the same with you if you are willing and obedient… Yes the only hindrance in your life is your disobedience but if you say yes… like He did with Abraham, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, the Apostles, Paul and so many even in our time…. Stand in the faith in Christ Jesus, the one who makes impossibility possible…. He will do same with you… only be available, willing and obedient…
Receive the grace for the season in Jesus Name…. the gift of grace “Rhythm and Rest” and “Favour” is locating today in Jesus Name.
Nothing will be impossible for you when your motives are pure and your business (spiritual) pursuits are willingly surrendered to God. Raise your expectations, press into His Presence, and remember that God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu