September 30

Everybody praise the Lord is alive 4x e-e-e-e a-a-a-everybody praise the Lord is alive 2x we conquer Satan, we conquer demons, we conquer principality in the Name of Jesus, shout alle alleluia alle alleluia shout alle alleluia shout alle alleluia.

Father Lord we cannot thank You enough for all You have done for us, You are so great, Faithful is Your Name. O Lord who is like unto Thee Thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds (Ps 36:5).

Halleluiah my soul, praise the Lord. I will praise the Lord with all my life, I will sing to the Lord as long as I live, (Ps 146)

Beloved, let us glorify the Name of the Lord with the above Psalm for His faithfulness all through the month, indeed He is a Faithful God. His mercies endureth forever and ever. In vain do we put our trust in man for when his breath leaves him he returns to the ground but our God the everlasting God stands forever sure.

Words may fail us if we begin to talk about Your goodness to us but as long as there is breathe in us we will praise Your Holy Name and worship You forever. Beloved, praise the King of glory with every line of this Psalm for He is still in the business of doing good. Today, your package of sign and wonders will be delivered to you as praise Him. I am full of expectation even this last day because it is never late to see His hand working in my situation am sure same with you. So praise with all your might,

Beloved, we are running the last series on this theme “faith” today, however, there is a lot to cover but we will as much as we can try to write as much as we can as the Spirit lead us so that there will be a word for everyone that come to drink from the fountain of life today in Jesus Name.

Still on turning Your faith loose –still using Rom 10:10 –“with mouth confession is made unto…” beloved, don’t ever take side against the Word. Or the Word of God is God Himself. God always moves in line with His Word.

The bible says God has magnified His Word more than His Name (Ps 138:2). How on earth can a believer get help from God when they are actually taking sides against the Word? – This can occur through ignorance this notwithstanding nothing happens to you if you are taking side against the Word.
As long as you don’t know any better, God will put up with some unbelief, much like we put up with spiritual babies but when we as Christian come into the knowledge of the truth, then God expects us to grow up spiritual and walk in the light of the truth of the Word of God.

Beloved, you turn your faith loose by confession- Affirming, Testifying, and witnessing: as I said thinking, believing, and confessing in line with the Word all go together. Usually we likened confession with the negative side of confession – sin and failure don’t forget the positive side of confession please refer to the teaching of yesterday on what our confession should centers on.

God works through Believers to confirm His Word- the way God works through us an in our lives is by His Word through our lips. Jesus said “go teach (Matt 28:19). Jesus commanded us to teach His Word. That is the way God works in and through us- through His Word, we are carriers of the Word. And if don’t carry Word can accomplish through us, or what His Word, then we are not obeying Jesus (if you willing and obedient).

God will work in us through His Word (Mk 16:15-18, 20). God confirm the Word of the apostles of old. God did not anything until the Word is preached. Beloved stop following signs, signs follows the Word. I therefore decree into your life and situation that anything you are standing in for this period, God will answer you speedily in the Name of Jesus.

Confession is witnessing to what you know- beloved, you can’t witness to something you don’t know about, therefore is what you personally know about Jesus that counts. Being born again does not make you a successful Christian rather you must know what you have in Christ and who you are in Him. When you know who you are in Him, and think in line with that and believe and confess that, then there is no failure for you.

Beloved, you will also notice this in our dominion theme for the year – (through Jesus Christ….) because we are nothing aside Him or though Him. Praise God.

Make effort to discover who you are “in Him”, In Whom” and “in Christ’ search for scriptures that contain all these expression and begin to confess them. “This is who I am and this is what I have in Christ.” as you do, you will that life will be different for you.

Beloved if the Word say so, so it is. Even if are not looking as at time of confession, believe it and confess it to yourself and God will go ahead to perform it. Else you are saying that God is a liar. Can you look at your mummy in the face and call her a liar, wouldn’t you feel bad? I guess you will not do that. When you don’t believe what God is saying to you in His Word, you are looking God right in the face and saying, ‘You are a liar. Your Word is a lie; it isn’t so.’ You must start saying what the Word of God said is so-just because the bible says it is so.”

So it is believing in line with the Word of God, thinking in line with God’s Word; and confessing in line with God’s Word that counts. Or to say it another way, it is affirming, testifying, and witnessing to the truth you know of God’s Word that counts. Your confession is what put you over and causes you to succeed in life.

Confess your right and privileges in Christ – here are some scripture that do not have the Words “in Him,” “in Whom,” or “in Christ’ in them yet they do infer something about your right and privileges in Christ. A little assignment for you – read up the following bible passages – Col 3:13; 1Jn 4:4; 1Jn 5:4-5; Isa 41:10; Rom 8:31.

No faith without confession- beloved there is no faith without confession. There is no such thing as faith without confession. Confession is faith’s way of expressing itself. Faith like love, is of the heart or the Spirit. And you know just as well as I do that there is no love without word or action. You cannot reason love into someone. Faith is if the heart or the Spirit, too, and it is safe to say there is no faith without confession. And faith like love, grows with your confession. The reason why faith is weak and held in bondage is that you never dare to confess you are who God says you are.

Beloved in turning your faith loose here are the list of things You don’t confess- will be working here with Mk 11:22-24 – have faith in God. (or have God kind of faith)

Turning your faith loose beloved, stop Wrong thinking, believing, and confessing.

Wrong confession is a confession of defeat, failure and for the supremacy of Satan. To talk about how the devil is hindering you- how he is keeping you from success, how is holding you in bondage, and how he is keeping you sick- is confession of defeat. Such confession as those simply glorify the devil. Confession that glorify the devil are wrong confession.

Remember our confession is a proclaiming a truth that we have accepted wholeheartedly – testimonies that we give in church are all confession and sad to say that many of them glorify devil rather than God.
Don’t confess Your sickness; Confess Your healing! – (Read Isa 53:5; 1Pet2:24; Matt 8:17). Matt 8:17- says that Jesus took our infirmities but instead of confessing that Jesus borne their diseases and put the away, people confess they still have them- we give testimony from our physical sense instead of taking testimony of the Word of God. But when they confess that Jesus has taken it away –they health becomes a reality in their lives.

Don’t confess your sins and weaknesses- confess God’s forgiveness. A believer who is always confessing his sins and his weakness is building weakness, failure and sin in his consciousness. If we do sin, when we confess our sin. God is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1; 9). God has blotted away all your sins Isa 43:25.

But this is why a lot of people don’t have any faith. They talk themselves right out of faith because when they bring up every sin, shortcoming, fault, mistake, and failure they can think of to accuse themselves with. And when they get finished condemning themselves, they don’t have any faith at all because they are holding themselves under condemnation; they are making the wrong confession.

Confess God’s forgiveness for your sin, mistake, and failure – confess that he has forgiven You, cleansed You, and has forgotten your sin. Confess and say “Thank God, I am forgetting it too. I stand in God’s presence as though I had never done wrong.” And if the devil tries to bring your sin before you, say, ‘Yes, that right, Mr. Devil. I did that and I was wrong. But first john 1:9 says that if I confess my sin, God is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. So God has forgiven me and I am thanking Him for it.

Beloved – don’t confess fear- Resist it
You don’t need to be afraid because you have been given a Spirit not of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind (2Tim 1:7).

Fear is not something that is coming from the inside of you if you are a Christian. It is something that is coming from outside of you, trying to get hold of you. Is it from the enemy.

Don’t confess doubt- Resist it. The same thing is true about doubt that is true about fear. Don’t confess doubt. Don’t confess fears. I did not tell you to say you weren’t doubting or that you did not have fear if you have them, I said just don’t say anything about them. Confess the word instead. Some people think they are being honest when they confess that they are afraid or they are doubting. Doubt is evil. Read Num 13:32.

Doubt and fear are tormenting twins of the enemy. So if you are going to say anything say what God says- fear thou not, so you just simply say “No I am not going to fear. I am a child of God, and God has not given me a Spirit of fear. I am not afraid. I refuse to be afraid. I resist you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus.”

Beloved, our teaching on this last day of this all amazing month is on fear, as you know fear has torment and is a direct opposite of faith, so a teaching on it will do us much good and helpful too. While the second teaching is reassuring you of God faithfulness in spite of all. You may be toss up and down by the devil but God promised of deliverance is sure. The suffering you are going through now is meant to build you up and to glorify God. So let’s ride on:


Fear is the opposite of faith, and is displeasing to God:

“My righteous one shall live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him… Without faith, it is impossible to please God… ” (Hebrews 10:38; 11:6a) Fear:

• Clouds our judgment.
• Paralyzes our actions.
• Causes us to delay. Rationalize. Over-spiritualize.
• Promotes paranoia.
• Induces us to think irrationally; to loose objectivity.
• Destroys our trust in others.
• Diminishes our ability to believe. Risk. Act.
• May be a reason we impute wrong motives to others.
• Is often the product of our pride.
• Refuses to believe God is there; is in control, and can be trusted or taken seriously.

How do we break the bondage and cycle of fear? By choosing to believe God through acting upon His promises. So right now, if you are struggling with fear, choose to believe these promises:

“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 – KJV)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea… Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:1, 2a, 10)

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears… The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” (Psalm 34:4, 17).

It was amidst the storm that Jesus told Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the water to Him. The moment he looked away from the Master to the circumstances Peter’s faith turned to fear, and he began to sink. And so it is with us. (Matthew 14:22-34).

You and I have a simple choice to make: Either we will allow the demons of fear, doubt, inadequacy etc., to paralyze and diminish us into spiritual midgets, or we will live above life’s crippling circumstances by choosing to believe and act upon His promises.

QUESTION: Today, which do you choose? Faith or fear?

Don’t allow the devil to keep in bondage free yourself through Your confession of the Word of God:

The Suffering Of The Saints

Suffering, it seems, is a daily occurrence among God’s people: Health problems, persecution, financial stress, etc., etc. How are we to understand it? How are we to cope? In studying 1 Peter, I discovered eleven ways we are to respond to suffering:
1. Rejoice, recognizing your faith is being tested and purified — “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials… Your faith… may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed… ” (1:6-8)

2. Do not retaliate against your tormentors — “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.” (2:23)

3. Follow Christ’s example in entrusting yourself to God — “Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” (2:23b)

4. Do not be afraid — “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” (3:14b)

5. Follow Christ’s example in suffering for doing good — “It is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,” (3:17, 18

6. Adopt Christ’s attitude toward suffering —”Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.” (4:1)

7. Rather than being surprised, rejoice in the fact that you are participating in Christ’s suffering — “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (4:12, 13)

8. Be unashamed in your suffering and association with Christ —”If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” (4:15, 16)

9. Amidst the suffering, commit yourself to God, and continue to do good — “So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. ( 4:19)

10.Resist Satan, recognizing that other believers are also suffering at his hand — “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (5:9, 10)

11.Anticipate His restoration — “And the God of all grace… after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (5:10)

Beloved, we made it through to the glory of God. Arise and shine forth for His glory has come upon you. Don’t forget the ways to turn your faith loose – by believing right, by thinking right, and making the right confession. Always confess in line with God’s Word regardless of contradictory circumstances, and watch God’s Word work for you as you learn to turn your faith loose.

Remember faith never grow beyond your confession. Your daily confession of Who the Father is to you, of what Jesus is doing for you now at the right hand of the Father, and what the Holy Spirit is doing in you will build a solid, positive faith life. You will not be afraid of any circumstance. You will not be afraid of any disease. You will not be afraid of any condition. You will face life fearlessly, a conqueror.

Confession is made unto…You will never be a conqueror first and then you are one. No, you have to confess it first, and then you get there. (Rom 10:10).

I hope we have been able to help boosting your faith level, root out doubt and fear forever via our teachings all through the month with the help of the Holy Spirit. My prayer for you is that from now no you soar higher than you have ever attain and never to come down again in Jesus Name. Finally, at the end of your life on earth you hear this “Well done good and faithful servant… (Matt 25:21)”

Have a wonderful weekend, see you next month by God’s grace. Don’t forget to pray for a Word in season for us in the coming month.

Love you dearly.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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