Every living soul…every living soul Praise the Lord…x2 Are You a living soul…every living soul Praise the Lord…// Let the Living Water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I come….. Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!… calling Father, Father! Father!! Father!!!… calling Spirit, Spirit! Spirit!! Spirit!!!
Our Father we come before You with a grateful heart full of mercies… O Lord! We look up unto the hill..where comes our help, our help come from God Who made the heavens and earth… Thank You Father because You are Faithful to do that which You promise to do… Your Name is Faithful…
Your Name is Faithful…Faithful are You Lord… we bow at Your Throne and we cry out to You Lord…do that which only can do… Father do that which only You can do… I look up unto the hill O! Lord… from You cometh my help…glory, adoration be unto Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Beloveth… “it is good for me to draw near to God…saith the psalmist….(Ps 73:28). Open the scripture… Vs. 27 said…” for lo, they that are far from Thee shall perish: Thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from Thee….
I am very sure you do not desire destruction from God? Therefore you draw near to Him and put your trust in Him…and declare all His works…alleluia somebody… God is speaking to someone listen and pay great attention… don’t go whoring God detest that He just want to be your only God… He paid a great price to save you… therefore you must worship Him with everything He has given you no compromise, no sharing…. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Today by God’s grace, we will be considering diverse ways speaks to us… from the standpoint of the message below we were encourage not to have a fix idea on how we want God to respond to us… yes… because the way God speaks is His prerogative … until He speaks you must not assume… Praise the Lord somebody….
From the Bible days up until now, God speaks to men the way He seems best for the occasion… so we are not assume that because God spoke to our fathers or even ourselves in a manner (dream) so we go to bed and stay in bed until He speaks we will not get up…
Beloveth, yesterday we discussed about flashing prayer as one of the ways we can stay near to God… and the resultant effect of that manner of prayer is that God reveals to us what is going to happen… He however retain the method or the way He will reveal same to you… yours is to keep following Him closely.
God might chose to speak through your pastor, your child or your spouse… and if you are sensitive enough you will grab it as it comes but if you are expecting Him to speak to you in a particular way; you will miss it big time…
Recently I was considering an easier way to do something and God responded to me through my pastor that is not His way… there is no short cut or easier way to what God has said… you either obey and do it or you don’t at all… and I know that was for me… so I caution myself and redress my step… praise the Lord…
You will have loads of examples how God has address some of your questions so don’t keep waiting for Him in a particular way or manner … the way He chose to relate with you on matters depends solely to Him…
Come along for more…
Long ago God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways.—Hebrews 1:1
Our generation is preoccupied with methods. When we find a program that works in one business, we immediately want to package and distribute it so that it will work for others. This attitude carries over into the spiritual life as well. We spend much energy looking for spiritual disciplines, books, seminars, or conferences that “work” in order to feel satisfied with our Christian life. God does not want us to trust in methods. He wants us to trust in Him.
Trusting in methods rather than in a Person seriously limits the way we experience God. When we expect Him to speak to us only in predictable ways, we forget that God is much more complex than our perception of Him.
In times past, God spoke in dreams and visions. He used nature; miraculous signs; prophets; a still, small voice; fire; trumpets; fleece; the casting of lots; and angels. He spoke in the middle of the night, during worship services, at mealtimes, during funerals, while people were walking along the road, through sermons, in the middle of a storm, and through His Son.
The important thing was not how God communicated, but that He spoke. If God always spoke to us through dreams, we would remain in our beds awaiting a divine revelation! The means God uses to communicate with us is irrelevant; the fact that He is communicating is what is critical.
Don’t limit yourself to a method, expecting only to hear from your Father in predictable ways. Rather, open yourself up to other means by which God wants to commune with you. Allow the Holy Spirit to sensitize you to God’s message at all times, in every location, under any circumstance. Then you will experience God in entirely new dimensions as you are receptive to His voice.
Did you read that… open yourself up… as you keep nearer to Him… allow Him to speak in ways and fashion pleasing to Him… let Him chose the location, occasion, site and places that He wants to speak to you… when you do… you are simply saying to Him …Father I trust You… Praise the Lord somebody
God is delivering someone today… who will simply seek God and trust in Him; not in method… are you the one?
Further Reading Isa 55:8-9, Ps 121:1-2, Heb.3:14-15.
Is God speaking to you to give your life to Him…do so by clicking here now … and you will be glad you did…
Remain blessed in the Lord.