Come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good. There is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.// What a marvellous God what a wonderful God He has done so many things for me. Reliable unchangeable He has done it again and again. The things that are impossible the things that money cannot buy there are the things He they do for me. Unchangeable God, He has done it again and again.

Yes! My God is unchangeable. He is reliable, great is His Name. Faithful are His works. His plans for us are great and will always lead us to an expected end. Father we thank You for your leading and preserving us from destruction of the wicked men all around us. Great is Your Hand and Mighty are Your works among men. Glory be to Your Name on high. Praise God!

Beloved, we are glad to congratulate you as you round off this week. We know you have a lots of testimonies to share with the children of God. The Mighty Hand of God has done so wondrously with you and you are glad. Praise be to His Name forever.

Considering the topic before us “God’s eternal Perspective” I have a question for you, “Are you working in the perspective God is directing you?”

Or rather do I first ask you what is God eternal perspective for His children? God is will always look at big picture. He is not only concern about what you are doing now, He is very much concern about who you are becoming.

We kicked off the week with a fall back of our last week teaching. The calling of God is without repentance but after He had called you, God expects you to drop your old nature and be more like Him.

We are to live like Jesus and the text before are promises that God made to Abraham. But not without a change of Name to reflect his new assignment. Beloved, your old nature will never be compatible with your new assignment when called.

You must repent of your sin. You must be born again. You have be a royal priest. You must be Christ ambassador. Is that who you are?

Don’t allow satan to deceive you. Don’t ever let him make you to feel lousy of yourself. When such a feeling comes up, always stand up and defend who you are in Christ.

We have so much to learn. Let’s get into the ministration and discover more:


I will make you into a great nation,

I will bless you,

I will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing.—Genesis 12:2

Big assignments require big characters. God will give you a responsibility in proportion to the size of your character. In Bible times, a person’s name represented his character; to know someone’s name was to know what the person was like. That’s why God changed the name of some when He transformed their character.

For example, the Lord wanted to bless all the nations of the earth through Abram, yet Abram’s character was too weak for such a great task. God said He would make Abram’s name great so that He could make him a blessing to future generations. Then over the next twenty-five years, God developed Abraham’s character to match the name He had given him.

God sees your life from His eternal perspective. He will take whatever time is necessary to grow your character to match His assignment for you. If you have not received a divine commission lately, it may be that your character needs maturing. Are you impatient to begin your work before God has refined your character?

A small character will fail in a large responsibility every time. Don’t be too hasty to get to the work. Character-building can be long and painful. It took twenty-five years before God entrusted Abraham with his first son and set in motion the establishment of the nation of Israel. Yet God was true to His word, and thousands of years later people continue to be blessed by the account of Abraham’s life and by his descendant, Jesus.

How is God building your character? Do you sense He has a task for you that will require a far greater man or woman than you presently are? Will you yield to God as He works in your life to prepare you for your next assignment?

What is your answer to the question above? Let keep going:


Ever Feel Lousy About Yourself?


You need to know how God feels about you:

  • You are “majestic” in His eyes (Literally: excellent, glorious, mighty, worthy)
  • You are the source of all His delight (Psalm 16:3)

Zephaniah 3:17 puts it this way:

  • The Lord is with you
  • He takes great delight in you
  • He will quiet you with His love
  • He rejoices over you with singing

Of you He says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah 31:3) He has always loved you! Even before you were conceived!

Yes, I know you are a sinner. That is not new information. But in His eyes your problem with sin has nothing to do with your intrinsic worth. If your daughter contracts cancer, her worth is not diminished in your eyes, is it?

As the kid said, “God didn’t make any junk.” The truth is that “you are fearfully and wonderfully madeskillfully wrought: God’s marvelous creation! (Psalm 139:14, 15) In fact, “while we were sinners” — scuzzball rebels — Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Before we cleaned up our act, He crawled up on that cross for us. Is there a more forceful demonstration of unconditional love?… Of your worth to Him?

So, this week as you enter the shark infested waters of the marketplace, keep in mind the fact that you are A CHILD OF THE KING. A PERSON OF INFINITE, ETERNAL WORTH.

Did you just read that? Beloved, did you read that? Don’t ever allow satan to make you feel less of who God has made you to be. You are gods, You are a chosen race, a Royal Priest, You are a Holy nation. You are God’s possession. Go ahead and proclaim His praises on the mountain and over the valley. Praise God!

See you next week and have a wonderful week. Don’t forget that God always have the eternal perspective when He calls you.


Remain blessed in the Lord.




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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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