Praise the Lord Alleluia!!! Lift Him up Alleluia!!! Alle-alle-alle-alleluia my God is so good Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…brother lift Jesus alleluia… sister lift Jesus alleluia…..alle-alle-alleluia my God is so good Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…// who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee…O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising…doing wonders alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Father we thank You…we bless Your Name… we adore You we give You Praise… alleluia to the Kings of King.. the Ancient of Day… You are the Lion of Judea… The I AM that I AM… glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever…
I Praise You Lord! You are Holy and forever You are Lord!!! I Praise You Lord! You are worthy!!! And forever You are Lord!!!
How can we thank You enough for all the wonderful and glorious things You have done for us… You are Awesome Father…You are simply Amazing… we worship and glorify Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!! come and have Your way again today in our midst and do that which only can do… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth…good morning… How are doing today? our God is good!!! let Praise and magnify his Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…. Who is on the Lord sides…I want to know… I am on the Lord sides…. Beloveth… who is on the Lord sides… I wants to know.. I am on the Lord sides…can you join me to sing… I am on the Lord’s sides… and Jesus is on my sides… as long I stay… as long as I live… I am on the Lord sides….
Yes I am on the Lord’s side what about you brother? What about you sister…is that your testimony too?
God’s initiatives…wow! what a great topic before us today… do you know that your blessings lies with God’s initiatives …yes! surprise isn’t it? when you walk outside God’s plan for your life no matter how successful you think you are … there will always be vacuum inside of you… God created you on purpose, for a purpose. You were handcrafted with great intention, by a loving Creator who has had a plan for you since the beginning of time. every fiber in your being knows this is true.
There is place for you- just need to find it! Discovering that purpose is the journey of a life time. And while it will take your whole lifetime to completely realize your calling, there are things you can do today to start catching glimpses of it, so that you can take steps in the right direction- towards your life’s purpose. By finding the right path and walking it, you will not only eventually accomplish your purpose; you will also live a good life filled with meaning and satisfaction. And deep down, that is what all of us desire….
We believe God has created a unique plan for each of us- a calling, purpose, or vocation- and he wants us to find it. our definition for these terms includes all the special activities that God created us to perform in the world- a fulfillment of His intention and design for you- which naturally result in service or benefit to others…
However as we later read below how God initiated the calling God Abraham, Moses, David even Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ… they were call on purpose and they followed through… same way it is expected of us to allow God to lead us all we need to do is to keep on trusting Him that Knows the way… He knows where He is taking us…
I think the problem most of us have is the issue of trust… Trusting God!… but as we read from the Book of life – The Living Bible… God always pull through all His initiatives; non failed… all went through and same way… If we go with Him… if we trust in Him too.. He will lead us through but we must be available and willing to follow Him… at His own terms not ours…
Come along for more:
The Lord said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.—Genesis 12:1
The most dramatic changes in your life will come from God’s initiative, not yours. The people God used mightily in Scripture were all ordinary people to whom He gave divine assignments that they never could have initiated. The Lord often took them by surprise for they were not seeking significant mandates from God. Even so, He saw their hearts, and He knew they were trustworthy.
The Lord spoke to Abram when He was beginning to build a nation dedicated to His purposes. Through this nation would come the Savior. God appeared to Moses at the very time He had purposed to deliver Israel out of slavery in Egypt. God found in Jesse’s youngest son David a godly man who could lead His people. God surprised Mary when He told her she would be the mother of the Messiah. God’s Son selected the twelve disciples, all ordinary, uneducated men, when He was ready to take the good news of His salvation to the world. Through the ages God has taken the initiative in the everyday lives of people to accomplish things through them that they never could have imagined.
The Lord may be initiating some new things in your life. When He tells you what His plans are, trust Him and walk closely with Him. Don’t let the busyness of your present activity keep you from experiencing all that God has in store for you. You will see Him accomplish things through your life that you never dreamed were possible (Eph. 3:20).
God’s initiatives in your life may not be reveal to you once or in a flash of insight: it will unfold as you take repeated steps in the right direction. If you are willing to do work, have confidence; when you pursue God’s good purpose for your life, you will find it. Step out on this journey with honesty, courage, openness and curiosity. Prepare your heart to listen, and then be ready to respond…
Those that were called before us walked worthy of their calling though with a little hiccup here and there … same with us but make sure that look steadily on Christ Who is the author and finisher of your faith… alleluia!!! and as we follow Him our blessings will release to us in Jesus Name!!! Alleluia somebody!!!
Further Reading- Ps 139:14, Rom 11:29, Eph. 4:1, 1 Cor 2:4.
Remain blessed in the Lord.