I will Praise You, I will Praise You, I will Praise You forever more. I will Praise You, I will Praise You, I will Praise You forever more.// come and see the Lord is good, come and see the is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.
I will exalt You forever more ooo for all things you have done, receive all my Praise, receive all the honour, receive all the adoration forever more. Let the Spirit of the Lord come down amen! Let the Spirit of the Lord come down, alleluia, let the Spirit of the Lord from heaven comes down, let the Spirit of the Lord from heaven comes down, let the Spirit of the Lord come down
Our gracious Father we thank You we bless Your Holy name, we adore You, we give You Praise, be magnify O Lord! You are highly exalted and there is nothing You can’t do O Lord my eyes are on You be magnify O Lord! be magnify, O! Lord be magnify!!!!
Yes! Lord we magnify You for there is nothing You can’t do in heaven, here on earth, nothing is impossible unto Thee, Be magnify in Jesus Name Amen.
Beloved, our God is an “Able God”, if you believe with me shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!! With Him nothing is impossible for you to do because you know in Whom you believe, that was what we were taught yesterday, and am sure someone gripped it. Praise the Lord!!!
Is your faith on fire now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I was richly blessed by the yesterday ministration, I was highly encouraged too. I don’t know about you but I know that God is able to help you if you are yet to comprehend what the Spirit of God is saying to us. Cry out and seek help from the Holy Spirit and you will be glad you did.
Thank God is our PLC session and we are going to lean backward and then forward to continue our teaching. We are not taking a teaching on prayer today but we are going to use what we were taught in last prayer meeting to help us have a better understanding of what we are teaching today.
“Imagineering” as the word sounds means an ability to imagine things, creativity ability, and being proactive. This gift is a powerful tool to success. It make you stands out and enables you make correction easily. However, as good as this gift, it is also destructive if captured by satan. If we allow ourselves to get into the snare of the devil by our “Imagineering” one is not far from destruction.
Most problem we have in life start from our “Imagineering site” that is where we have the “if” “what if” “but what if” and the entire negative values of life but after today, you will be in command of your “Imagineering.” You will begin to have the power of “Positive” thinking. Like 2 Cor 10:4-6 told us to bring down/ cast down every imaginations and everything that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every though to the obedience of Christ.
Beloved, the topic before us like I said earlier is a redemptive package at such a time like this. When an imagination is under siege life will not be easy, if care is not taking you will abuse the very source of your being. Everything will be evil before you. For instance a man whose imagination is under siege might believe that his wife behind his problem and business failure, instead of seek out time to pray and be delivered; he will spend his days imagining all negative things that can ever be. Same with a woman whose Imagineering is under siege. We must work hard to redeem our “Imagineering Will” from the hand of satan and surrender it to God Who is able to keep it well and safe for our well being.
Join us to discover more:
Isaiah 25:1-27:13, Psalm 113:1-9, Proverbs 23:22-23, Galatians 3:19-4:11
You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace.—Isaiah 26:3
How many times, when making an approach to God in prayer, have we gone immediately into a series of petitions that have to do with our problems, our difficulties, our circumstances? And so, by focusing our attention on what is troubling us, we end up wondering whether or not God is big enough or strong enough to help us.
In the first six words of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus shows us a better way. He tells us to take a slow, calm, reassuring gaze at God—at His tenderness, His eagerness to give, His unwearying patience, and untiring love. The result of this, of course, is that we develop a calmness and tranquility in our spirit which means we will find it no longer necessary to plunge into a panicky flood of words.
In some parts of the world one can enroll in courses called “Imagineering”—courses that are designed to stimulate creative imagination. Most of our problems begin in the imagination—hence the instruction in the words of our text for today. “One can never become proficient in prayer,” said one great writer, “until the imagination has been redeemed.” He meant that when the imagination is redeemed from self-concentration, sex-concentration, and sin-concentration, and makes God its primary focus, then it becomes creative-conscious, since its attention is concentrated on the Creator and the Re-Creator. And when the imagination is redeemed, all the doors of the personality fly open.
O God, how can I be calm and tranquil when my imagination is more self-centered than God-centered? Help me to be a God-focused person, not only at prayer times, but at all times. Amen.
Further Study
1Co 2:1-16; Gn 6:5; Rm 1:21; 2Co 10:5
How can we “cast down imaginations”?
What has God given to us?
Are you read to see your imagination redeemed and see your doors to greater height fly open then you are on the right part. Remember glorious manifestation is all in compassing. The Spirit of God is at work redeeming and positioning for it fullness, don’t be left out, live your life at it fullness.
I also hope you have learnt more about how to approach God in prayer, it must be with calmness and we must also be slow in speech because we are before God whose Presence is splendid. And when we do that we have the assurance that God is ever willing to bless us than we ever imagine. Learn to subject, cast down everything that makes itself higher than God and see yourself on top.
We sincerely thank you for your patient and understanding with us these few days the messages are coming in not as scheduled, is due technically challenges we had with our hosting company. Thank you and God bless you. Be happy and make merry in the Lord.
Have a beautiful weekend and see you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.