Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O! Lord! Among the gods, who is like Thee.. You are glorious in holiness… fearful in Praising… doing wonders alleluia// How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord x2 How Excellent is Thy Name…x3 How Excellent is Thy Name… x3

Our Father we Thank You… we worship and glorify Your Name… Hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth… Thank You Precious Jesus… Thank You for making us to be part of this day… Glory be to Holy Name forever and ever Amen

Beloveth… we are in for a good time in God’s Presence today… Prayer remains the vital Key to open every closed door… Financial breakthrough, Healing, Deliverance, Protections, Security and safety… Alleluia!!! To the King of kings, the Lord of lords…. Alleluia… to You Father in Jesus Name…

Our God will answer us… He will not be long… our cries will go up Him as a Living Sacrifice… in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth are you ready to pray… Prayer is communication between us and God… Is a two way communication… we speak to God and He responds to us…

Is interesting to know that oftentimes, we when we pray… we give a catalog of things we desires and off we go… we don’t wait to hear Him respond to us… we zoom off… only to come reminding Him of His promises which He made to us…

Beloveth… without waiting to hear or receive from God… we remind Him about His promises of Him which are trusting and believing on… some people will going claiming without actual spending time in prayer and tell God what they want…

Then when such prayers go unanswered we blame God… we will even accuse Him of failing in His promises…

If God gives His Word which we often refer to as promises… He will back it up… Yes! He will perform it… not one of it will drop to the ground without performance… for His Word is Yea and Amen…. There is turning of shadow in Him… Praise the Living Jesus… Alleluia…

Beloveth, when was the last time you have fellowship with God… How long was that union… Did you hear God speak to you… after you spoke to Him? If you He did speak; what did you Him say to you?…

Our topic today says intimacy and immediacy… Is very important we look at the topic as it will guide us in two important heartbeat of God… praying and evangelizing…

When you pray… God opens you up to what He is doing or He is about to do… Gen.15:1-4, Acts 9:10-18.

Come along with us for revelations …. 

Intimacy And Immediacy

This week I had the privilege of spending a great deal of time with a seasoned, godly older man who has walked with God for sixty years. Observing this old war-horse of the faith, and reflecting back on others of his stripe, two traits seem to characterize their lives:

INTIMACY – I notice that they have cultivated the practice of moment-by-moment communion with Christ, when their minds are free from other obligations and demands. It is apparent that they have learned to bring Jesus into the little details of their lives. They seem in touch. The tone I pick up is one of sensitivity to His prompting, sensitivity to sin, dependency upon Him in the littlest of things, humility, gentleness, perhaps even brokenness. There is not the slightest air of superiority or self-promotion.

I am the vine itself, you are the branches. It is the man who shares my life and whose life I share who proves fruitful. For the plain fact is that apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 – Phillips)

IMMEDIACY – It seems that they are forever, and everlastingly “at it.” Their antennas are up, aware, utilizing every opportunity to lovingly and graciously share the love of Christ with those who come into their orbit. Reflective indeed of Paul’s mind-set:

So, naturally, we proclaim Christ! We warn everyone we meet, (evangelism) and we teach everyone we can, all that we know about Him, (discipleship) so that, if possible, we may bring every man up to his full maturity in Christ Jesus. This is what I am working at all the time, with all the strength that God gives me.” (Colossians 1:28, 29 – Phillips)

Perhaps their motto is: “if not you – who? If not now – When?”

In this sense of immediacy, there is no hint of pushiness or being overbearing. Notice the guidelines Paul gives, derived from Colossians 4:5, 6; 2 Timothy 2:24-26:

  • Clever and skilled.
  • Utilizing every opportunity. Immediacy.
  • Gracious: Gentle, meek, humble, mild. Patient, enduring evil or ill-will.
  • Salty: Pointed; not insipid; “an edge of liveliness” (Knox Translation)
  • Correcting: Chastening, educating, teaching and training.
  • Not quarrelsome: Not disputing or striving.

SUGGESTION: Can you take a moment and ask God, “Lord, if I am not walking intimately with you, why? And if I am lack a sense of immediacy in getting the Gospel to others, why?

Beloveth… are you asking as you have been instructed to do? Listen we must cleave to be in God’s Presence all the time… that enables our antenna to pick up signal from the spiritual realm and relate with it to our immediate environment… it also help us to stay away from evil plans of the satan and his cohorts…. So make sure that you place priority to it prayer because it holds all key… Praise the Name of the Lord…

We have some verse of the Bible where some of the promises of God went for the men of old… and when we plead same before the altar of prayer… God does same for us… if that be His plan and will for us… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody!!!

O Lord, give us the strength to pray and not to faint… Look at us with favour and may Your “Will” be done in our lives in Jesus Name… Help us to spread the Good News around… Amen!!!

Beloveth let us pray…

Further Reading – Phil.1:27, Ps.27:8, Gen.15:1, 1Cor.3:17, Phil.1:12, Isa.65:17, Heb.10:37, Col.3:17, 2Cor.9:8, 1Cor.4:20, Jn.12:26, Eph.1:13, 1Thess.5:18, Eph.5:1, Heb.9:15.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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