Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! who is like unto Thee, O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia! // How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name, O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name. How excellent is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name, How Precious is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name O Lord!
Babaooo. Babaooo, Babaooo, Babaoooo, You are Worthy O Lord! among the gods there is none to be compared with Thee, Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord! I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Thy banner over me is love. Father we worship and glorify Your Holy Name above all other gods. Great is Thy Faithfulness. Blessed be Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Have your way Lord, glory be to Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Who is like unto Thee, Lord there is none to be compared with Thee. We will lift up Your Name higher, we will lift up Your Name higher, Oh Jehovah Alpha Omega, we will lift up Your Name higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, we will lift up Your Name Higher.
Beloved, forever we will lift the Name of our God higher for He is Our God, our Maker, the Lifter of our Head, The One Who is and Who is yet to come, glory be to God on high. Join us once again to worship our King.
Worthy are You Lord! Worthy are You Lord, Worthy are You Lord, You are so worthy Lord!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!
Yes! It is the mercies of the Lord that we are not consumed dearly beloved, to the glory of God the last session of our monthly prayer is today, by the grace of God we will experience Him afresh as ever before. He will visit us afresh and will manifest His power in amidst as we pray today in Jesus Name.
Have you been troubled of late, so worry about the happening of event in your life or things surrounding you, the topic of today is here to smooth your fear. Is possible you kept your eyes on the weave for a long time and that has made life upheaval for you but today you will take your eye off the weave and keep it on the tide. Join me as we sing-
Jesus is the sweetest Name I know, He always just the same, O praises His Holy Name, that is the reason why I love Him so, Jesus is the sweetest Name I know. Join me to Praise Him, Jesus is the sweetest Name I know, He always just the same, O praises His Holy Name, that is the reason why I love Him so, Jesus is the sweetest Name I know.
Jesus Name is the sweetest Name I ever know, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, He is the same today, tomorrow and forever. In Him if we fix our eyes then our weave will be calm, because even the sea obey His voice.
Did you get the message, this is a rheme, take your eyes off the weave and keep on the tide- Jesus. come on with us for more discoveries:
Isaiah 10:12-12:6, Psalm 110:1-7, Proverbs 23:9-11, 2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10
“Keep Your Eyes on the Tide”
Your people will volunteer on Your day of battle.—Psalm 110:3
Has God something bigger for us than we are at present seeing? I hope I have convinced you that He has! How can we be open to receiving it? It comes at the precise moment God appoints but it is carried down from heaven on the wings of fervent, believing prayer. Dr. A. T. Pierson said: “From the Day of Pentecost until now, there has not been one great spiritual awakening in any land which has not begun in a union of prayer though only among two or three, and no such outward or upward movement has continued after such prayer meetings have declined.” Revivals are born in prayer and sustained by prayer.
Just as there are signs concerning the second coming, so there are signs that the Lord is not far from reviving His whole church. In the early days of the Salvation Army in France, the eldest daughter of General Booth, known by her French rank as the “Marechale,” found herself at one point in an extremely discouraging situation. She wrote to General Booth asking for his advice, which came in these words: “Take your eyes off the waves and fix them on the tide.”
I give you now that same advice. Don’t let your eyes become focused on the waves, with their advances and retreats. Keep your eyes on the tide and ask yourself: Is it rising? If you look with the eye of faith I think you will see that it is. When it breaks I pray that it will not find us unprepared but that we shall be a people who are willing in the day of God’s power.
Father, I don’t know whether I will live to see a worldwide revival, but I want to live to experience a personal revival. Take me on from this point to know You in a much greater way. In Christ’s name I ask it. Amen.
Further Study
Ezk 37:1-14; 2Kg 3:16-17; Isa 40:3-5; Rv 22:1
What was God’s message to Ezekiel?
What will you do to bring about revival?
Do you get the message clearer now? Jesus is the “tide.” If you you’re your eyes off from the weave and keep it on tide- Jesus then it will ebb forever. Why do I say so “because even the wind obeys Him” (Mk 4:39). As the Lord plans to lift us up and because of it we may have been experiencing stress, we enjoined you to pray and pray until something happens. You lifting will be delivered through prayer and you must also sustain it through prayers.
Having kept your eyes on the weave for a long time, it is time to fix it on the tide and your peace is guaranteed. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! I did and the weave ebb forever because I chose to keep my eyes on the Tidy- Jesus the Prince of peace.
Let us prayer and trust the Prince of Peace to come into our life and calm our troubled sea, this we pray in the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear us Father as we pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu