Father, may You reign 3x, may You reign. Yesterday You reign, You reigneth in my life; today come and reign and reign forever more 2x. Victory 2x, allueluia, Alleluia 4x; victory 2x Alleluia Jesus conquer the devil patapata.

Dear Father in heaven, hallow be thy Name. Let Thy kingdom come, let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for another wonderful opportunity to be part of your will O Lord, help us to pray down your will in our midst today.  Jesus, let Your kingdom come in the midst  of Your people in Jesus Name.

Beloved, do you know that stagnated water stink? It flows not out neither does it allow any other to flow into it. Children of God must not be like a stagnated waters, we must constantly reach out to others in service, in kind and with love. We must not live such a life style that is not Christ-like. Jesus our model gave all. He poured out His life that we may live. Be yea imitators of Him.

Beloved, are you ready to pray as Jesus taught us to pray? In the bible days, Jesus taught His disciple to pray, that prayer today, stands as our model for prayer. Beloved, what are people learning from you? What are teaching your children, subordinate, colleague, peers? Are your prayer altar on fire or has the coals been fanned cold by luke-warmness?

Prayer has no over-dose effect, it will only yield better result when is more constant. In fact, the more; the better. Are weary in your place of prayer, come, drop that weight, lain on the Rock that never fails; be empowered by Christ in the Name of Jesus.

Has sin cause your heaven to become brass? Do not be discouraged, Jesus in the midst of you had purge away your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Arise like the prodigal this day and receive mercy from the Throne of grace to be worthy of your Father’s son. May God truly rule in our midst now and forever:

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10

In heaven, God’s will is the only priority. A word from God brings angels to do His bidding, immediately and without question. Jesus instructed us to pray that God would accomplish His will in our world in the same way. This means that God’s purposes would be preeminent in our homes, our businesses, our schools, our churches, and our governments.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray that God’s purposes be carried out in the world around them. In modeling how they should pray, Jesus was teaching His disciples how to share God’s heart. He demonstrated this again at Gethsemane when He prayed “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:39). It is as we seek God’s kingdom on earth, and not our own purposes, that we gain the same mind as our heavenly Father. We become colaborers with God by praying faithfully in agreement with His desires.

As you seek the Lord’s will, He will guide your praying. He will invite you not only to pray, but also to become involved in His activity as He answers your prayer. If He places a burden upon you to pray for an individual’s salvation, that burden is also His invitation to join His activity in that person’s life. Prayer will prepare you to be a servant through whom God can bring about His will on earth. Pray that the Lord’s absolute rule on earth will begin in your life. Then watch to see how God uses you to extend His Lordship to others.

Beloved, when you hear God’s voice came calling do not keep back but move forward towards His leading. If you ignore His call, you will only live to regret your actions, may that not be your portion in Jesus Name. Receive grace to move forward and keep not back in Jesus Name:

“Keep not back.” Isaiah 43:6


Although this message was sent to the south, and referred to the seed of Israel, it may profitably be a summons to ourselves. Backward we are naturally to all good things, and it is a lesson of grace to learn to go forward in the ways of God. Reader, are you unconverted, but do you desire to trust in the Lord Jesus? Then keep not back.

Love invites you, the promises secure you success, the precious blood prepares the way. Let not sins or fears hinder you, but come to Jesus just as you are. Do you long to pray? Would you pour out your heart before the Lord? Keep not back. The mercy-seat is prepared for such as need mercy; a sinner’s cries will prevail with God. You are invited, nay, you are commanded to pray, come therefore with boldness to the throne of grace.

Dear friend, are you already saved? Then keep not back from union with the Lord’s people. Neglect not the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. You may be of a timid disposition, but you must strive against it, lest it lead you into disobedience. There is a sweet promise made to those who confess Christ—by no means miss it, lest you come under the condemnation of those who deny Him.

If you have talents keep not back from using them. Hoard not your wealth, waste not your time; let not your abilities rust or your influence be unused. Jesus kept not back, imitate Him by being foremost in self-denials and self-sacrifices. Keep not back from close communion with God, from boldly appropriating covenant blessings, from advancing in the divine life, from prying into the precious mysteries of the love of Christ. Neither, beloved friend, be guilty of keeping others back by your coldness, harshness, or suspicions.

For Jesus’ sake go forward yourself, and encourage others to do the like. Hell and the leaguered bands of superstition and infidelity are forward to the fight. O soldiers of the cross, keep not back.

Beloved, did you hear that? Keep not back, be up and doing for Christ, pray down the kingdom today, that His will be done on earth even as it in heaven. May God truly rule in our midst today and forever more. Amen!

I pray for you my dearly beloved, you will receive answers to all your prayers today in Jesus Name. Every hindrance in your path to glory shall receive judgment in Name of Jesus. Suddenly, help will arise for you from where you least expected. God will come in His Glory and Majesty to bless you exceeding in Jesus Name I prayed, Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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