Exalt Him above all other names, the Son of God: the Man of Calvary, exalt Him above other names, His Name is Jesus, His Name is God.// I will lift up Your Name higher, I will lift up Your Name higher O! Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name higher, O! Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name higher.
Come and see what the Lord has done, glory be to Jesus, I will exalt His Name forever, from everlasting to everlasting, I will lift up His Name higher, because He is our God and He liveth forever more. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness that standeth sure, glory be to Your Name on high. Who is like unto Thee, there is none like Thee. Glory be to You Father. Honour and adoration be given to Your Holy Name.
Thank You for another blessed week ahead of us to be all that You made us to be, we worship You we glorify Your Holy Name. who is like unto Thee, merciful Father we bow at Your feet and worship You with the twenty and four elders in heaven, Father accept our worship, accept our Praise, accept our adoration in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing today? Hope the weekend was wonderful as we desired? The word of God said that the desires of the righteous shall be granted. Our Father is still in the business of doing good and He will perfect all that concerneth you, so be desirous of his goodness and good pleasure and the Lord Himself will bring it to past, glory be to Jesus.
We are blessed to be here today and I believe because the Holy Spirit has something to do in and through us, so pay rapid attention and it shall be well with you. last week we dwelt so much on the need for us in addition to growing our spirit man must also make sure we take good care of our physical body as it the vehicle through which the spiritual vision will be delivered as we position ourselves for lifting.
However, this week as the Lord permits us, we will be considering the part of the Holy Spirit in our lifting. When our Lord Jesus was rounding off His earthly ministration, He told His disciples that He will not leave then as orphan rather He will send them the Holy Spirit through whom they will accomplish the ministerial assignment better and faster even as the He help His ministry too (Jn 16:7-15, Mk. 13:11, Lk 3:22, Jn 14:26, Act 1:2, 10:38).
The Holy Spirit according the Word of God is our Comforter, our Teacher, our Director, our Helper, our Instructor, our Counselor, our Companion, our Enabler Name it. We cannot do anything without the help of the Holy Spirit Who is the Third Person in Trinity. The psalmist cried to God and pleaded with God not to cast him out nor take away the Holy Spirit from him (Ps 51:11).
The Holy Spirit when offended is a grievous sin and will lead to disasters (Isa 63:10-11, Matt 12:32). The Holy has power help us accomplish the “Great Commission” and everything that is in the Will of God for us. We cannot go far without the help and gift of the Holy Spirit, therefore, we must desire it as the deer pant after the waters. (Jn 3:6; 14:17; 20:22, Matt 28:19; Acts 1:8, 2:4).
Even our prayer life is dull outside the help of the Holy Spirit; a vibrant spiritual life is enabling through the power of the Holy Spirit, it purges us from all forms of unrighteous living (Acts 4:31, 8:15-17, 1Cor. 12:3, 1Cor, 6: 11,19).
The work of the Holy Spirit in a man’s life is in-exhaustive and can only be done thorough the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore our lifting can only be enabling and sustains through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Are you poised for Divine lifting as promised us by God through the Holy Spirit? Then you are at the right place, make sure you keep a date all through the month to be thorough blessed.
Job 32:1-33:33, Psalm 106:13-23, Proverbs 22:3-4, 1 Corinthians 12:1-20
Purity and Power
A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial.—1 Corinthians 12:7
Although Jesus told us that through the Holy Spirit’s power, we would do greater works than He had performed, the truth is that we are just not availing ourselves of the divine resources. There are notable exceptions to what I am saying, but, by and large, this is the way it is in today’s church. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:5: “Our gospel [came] to you … in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with much assurance.” At the center of that “power” and “assurance” was the Holy Spirit. These traits are largely lacking in much of modern Christianity because too many of us lack a full encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Some years ago, when I was a pastor in the north of England, another minister in the town (a good friend of mine) said, “You preach about the Spirit’s power, and I’ll preach about the Spirit’s purity. That way we will keep a balance in the lives of Christians in this town.” I pondered what he said and came to the conclusion that such a procedure would produce lopsided Christians, for both congregations needed to hear of the Spirit’s purity and power.
Today’s churches can be divided into two camps—those where the purity aspect is emphasized and those where the power aspect is emphasized. If every church focused with equal emphasis on both these characteristics of the Spirit, we would witness a healthier body of believers. Purity is essential, but so is power. The Holy Spirit supplies both.
O Spirit of purity and power, live in Your church as both. For I need purity to see my destiny and power to follow it. Give me equal measure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
How did the early church learn about this power and purity?
What was the result?
Beloved, we need both the power of the Holy Spirit and the purity of the Holy Spirit to live a worthy and a vibrating Christian life. we must not be a lopsided Christians therefore let us engage our live in those things and actions that will help us to achieve same and at the end we will grow in our mature Christian not wanting anything. (Rom 6:4; 2Cor 3:1-18, 5:1-11, 6:6-18; Gal 5:16-25; 1Pet 1:16).
Beloved, on this note we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return with greater testimonies at the end in Jesus Name. be open, be sensitive as the power of the Holy Spirit will work through you for the accomplishment of God’s plan of His lifting in you life at such a time as this.
Remain blessed in the Lord.