Every living soul (Every living soul) Praise the Lord, Every living soul (Every living soul) Praise the Lord. Are you a living soul (I am a living soul) I will Praise Lord, The Most High reigneth, The Most High reigneth, the Most High reigneth in my life today, The Most high reigneth, the Most High reigneth, the Most high reigneth in my life today.// All honour, All glory, All Power, to You(repeated several times). Holy Father we worship you, Precious Jesus our Saviour, Holy Spirit we wait on You, Holy Spirit we wait on You, for fire (several times) goes the beginning.
Our heavenly Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, adoration to You Lord! we give You Praise, we worship You Lord for all You have done for us this week and will yet do, thank You for watching over us and fighting all our battles. Thank You for victory won and granted to them that put their trust in You, glory be to Your Name Lord!
You are Most high, You are the Most High God. Jehovah You are the Most High, You are the Most High God! Alleluia angels are singing, alleluia, angels are singing 2x. Alleluia is the heavenly language, Alleluia is the heavenly language, Alleluia, is the heavenly language, Alleluia, is the heavenly language.
It is good to praise the Lord dearly beloved, so keep praising Him. When we praise God; He rejoiced over us and show us mercy, bless and honour us. Praise the Lord!
Dearly beloved, we have been on this series about God all through the week, first we saw God as a “Creator” next as “A Holy God,” next as “A Sovereign God,” next as “A Speaking God” and today we are going to look in-depth in very nature of God of which without it is impossible to relate with Him – Hoilness.
Even the host of angels recognizes this nature of God. Beloved, without holiness it is possible for man to see God (Heb 12:14). It is only a pure heart that can see God (Matt 5:8). The angels are singing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Host (Isa 6:3, Rev 4:8).
Beloved, of all the nature of God, there is an emphasis on His Holy nature, why? We have to it out together, so join us as we go through the message below:
Isaiah 5:24-7:25, Psalm 109:16-25, Proverbs 23:4-5, 2 Corinthians 9:1-10:11
Quality Par Excellence
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts.—Isaiah 6:3
Even the most casual reader of the Scriptures cannot help but notice that God is portrayed in the Bible as uniquely and awesomely holy. In fact, there are more references to the holiness of God in Scripture than to any other aspect of His character. This ought to give us some indication of how important it is.
But what do we mean when we say God is “holy”? There are three thoughts underlying the word “holy.”
First, the idea of separation, being withdrawn or apart.
Second, brightness or brilliance.
Third, moral majesty, purity, or cleanliness.
It is interesting that those who came into direct contact with the Almighty in the Old Testament were inevitably overwhelmed by His moral majesty.
Isaiah went into the temple to pray at a time when his people were in grave difficulties. Uzziah, the king who had ruled for half a century, was dying, and Assyria, a terrible and evil force, stood threateningly to the north. Whatever answer Isaiah thought he would get as he opened up his heart to God, it was not the one he received. He was given instead a vision of a holy God that shook him to the core of his being.
Why should this be? I think it was because the concept of God’s holiness is the main lesson in His school, the divine prerequisite for admission to the inner heart of God, the most important qualification for learning from the Lord.
Father, I must search my heart this day and ask myself: Do I know what it is to serve a holy God? Have I ever received a vision of the moral majesty and purity of the divine? Deepen my understanding of all this I pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
What question did Moses pose?
What did the psalmist affirm?
What are your discover? Three things are said about God’s holiness, did you grab them? First we saw the “Set Apart” or “Separation” or “Being Withdrawn,” Secondly we saw “Brilliance” and thirdly “Moral Majesty”, “Purity” or “Cleanliness.”
Beloved, our PCL will emphasis on the virtues seen in the “holiness” ascribe to God. Can you see yourself in any of those virtues mentioned above? I want us to cross-examine ourselves very well and see where we are weak and ask God for His mercy to locate us and help us.
The grace is available in the house and will help as many of us that want to have a relationship with God. Did read the last paragraph? Do you want to be admitted in the school then you must cry to heaven to help you, it is not only that, it is also a requirement if you want to have intimacy with God and learn from Him.
Our Heavenly Father help us. May God help you as you meditate on these things to secure this all important virtue to be admitted into God’s school of learning.
Happy learning session, have a wonderful weekend and be blessed in the Lord. See you next week if Jesus tarry, Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.