Every Praise to our God, every word of worship to our God, every Praise, every Praise to our God. Every Praise to our God, every word of worship in one accord, every Praise, every Praise, every Praise to our God!// Worthy You are worthy King of kings Lord of lords You are worthy, worthy You are worthy King of kings, Lord of lords I worship you.

Yes! Father, we worship You in adoration, glory be to Your Name on high. blessed Redeemer, hallow be Thy Name, let they kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespass and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil. Amen Amen Amen in Jesus Name.

Thank You Father for a blessed day You have made and said we rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Father for the gift of life and blessings, thank You for protection and provisions. Thank You for being God indeed unto us glory alleluia, Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

Is faith session dearly beloved, wow! The year is gradually rounding up and our God has been good to us beyond our widest imagination, let give a clap offering to Him on high, Amen Amen Amen!!!!!

Faith is now! according to Hebrew 11:1, it rest against the background of things hope for. It then means that our faith depends on what we are hoping on. Hope fuel the vehicle of faith, without hope faith cannot stand. So beloved, on what did you put your hope on? your money in the bank?, your business cartel, your intellect? Where did you placed your hope on?

My hope is on Christ Jesus; He is the hope of my glory (Col 1:27). When your eyes of understanding be open you will have a good understanding of your calling and the inheritance available to you as a child f God (Eph 1:18).

No doubt if you have a good investment that has good returns and you have a financial need, such investment might help your spirit from being downcast. However, we are looking at hope beyond material needs, hope that are eternally given, the hope that make your feet stand sure against all odds and sufferings, that the hope that we found in Jesus. when all have failed you- family, friends and even self.

We are talking about such hope that is beyond you and what you can do, that hope can only be found in Jesus Christ Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Praise the Lord!

We are also coming to the end of the year and all your plans are yet to be actualized and it seems as if it will never happen again but hear this “it is not over until is over” if it means that God will walk on the surface of this earth to bring it to pass and it is in His will for you this year, He will do that. You don’t need to give up, you just have to stay focus and keep your hope alive and you will see it happen. The God of flesh will make it happen, it took Him just six days to create all that you are seeing so yours will not take beyond that. Can I hear a believing Amen!

The battle is on, the storm is raging but at the Name of Jesus it will all be still in Jesus Name. Keep hope alive and your faith will be rekindled and sooner than you may know, your miracle baby, job, admission, house, car, breakthrough will be delivered to you in Jesus Name. your health will be restored, all the financial crises shall be over in Jesus Name.

The year is ending but our God has no end therefore our Help in ages past will bring it to pass at the appointed time in Jesus Name. He is all knowledgeable remember and that should be our confidence if truly we are His children. I want to believe you are part of  Saturday Praise Gate as instruction by the Lord, testimonies are coming in, yours will be next in Jesus Name.

He promised to do the knotty issues and yours will not be beyond Him if you are following His instructions. Praise the Lord!

Come and see what those who have run the race before us did and key into it, remember you must always access the “Right Key” to deliver the Standard Note. Praise the Lord!

 Jonah 1:1-4:11, Psalm 145:1-7, Proverbs 31:4-7,Revelation 12:1-18

Reflect on Perfection

I will speak of Your splendor and glorious majesty and Your wonderful works.—Psalm 145:5

The fact that God knows everything ought to strengthen our faith and cause us to bow down in adoration before Him. Yet how little do we reflect on this divine perfection! Those who are inclined to rebel against God hate this aspect of His being and would do away with it if they could. They wish there might be no witness to their sin, no searcher of their hearts, no judge of their deeds. How very solemn are the words of the psalmist recorded in Psalm 90:8: “You have set our unjust ways before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence.”

To the believer, however, the truth of God’s omniscience (His all-knowledge) ought to be one of tremendous comfort and security. In times of perplexity we ought to say like Job: “He knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold” (Jb 23:10). Whatever might be going on in our lives that is profoundly mysterious to us and quite incomprehensible to those who are around us, we must never lose sight of the fact that “He knows the way [we] have taken.” The psalmist, when seeking to stir his soul to confidence and hope, reminded himself in the midst of his weakness and weariness: “He knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust” (Ps 103:14). And Simon Peter, when his failure brought him almost to the point of despair and the searching question came “Do you love Me?” said: “Lord, You know everything! You know that I love You” (Jn 21:17). Such knowledge should ever cause us to worship.


Father, help me reflect on this fact that You know everything, for I see that the more I understand it, the more secure I will feel in my soul. Teach me still more, dear Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Isa 55:1-9; Heb 4:12-13; 1Jn 3:20

What statement did God make?

What did the writer to the Hebrews confirm?

Beloved, are comforted? Is your hope alive again? Knowing that God is not unaware of what you are going through at the moment, just hear this “ he come speedily and will not delay” aside God being Omniscience (All-Knowledgeable) He also is Omnipotent (He can do all things). Do you also know that God is dependable? He is our Ever Present Help. He is an Able God.

Let that be your confident that the God you serve knows all things and can do all things, all you need to do is to patiently obey Him and humbly follow Him, he knows the way, He will lead you through.

I love my God, He is my Father that have a good thought towards me, He has never fail me, neither will He forsake me, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If my God is your God then you are safe and secure. I tell you He is an Excellent God, Almighty is His Name, alleluia somebody!!!

Let this hope be in you……

Read Col 2:1-15 to see who you are in Christ, don’t let satan rob you of this true in Christ. Love you dearly.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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