Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods, who is like thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia. // How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name how wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord!

I will lift up Your Name higher Gracious Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we exalt Your Holy Name, we adore You King of kings, Ancient of Days be glorify in Jesus Name. Who is like unto Thee Lord!, how Great are You Lord. You are Bigger than what we call You Father, we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name, we cannot thank You enough, we Praise Your Holy Name, glory, honour belong to You alone in Jesus Name.

We exalt You Lord, come and have Your way in our midst, do that which no man can do, teach us something new from Your Word and help us to obey You always, this and more we pray in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing dearly beloved? Hope your weekend was good enough? Praise the Lord! Please join me to sing this song, -all power belongs to Jesus, all power belongs to Jesus, all power belongs to Jesus, no power belongs to satan.

Beloved, do you believe that all power belong to Jesus? Okay let sing this one- You are Mighty God, the Great I AM, alleluia, alleluia, You are Mighty God, You are the Great I AM, alleluia, alleluia.

Can you open your bible to Phil 2:9, what did it say? Open also Exo 15:1-19. What are your discoveries? Beloved, God created the world by The Word of His Mouth, and He is sustaining and securing same by the same Word, nothing has change and nothing will ever change, beloved, what a Mighty God we serve.

Does it seem to you as if your world is crumbling? Does it seem to you as if the end has come? Beloved, not to worry, be calm before your Maker, watch as He will part that Red Sea before your eyes and you will cross over. And if your pursuers are stubborn like Pharaohs, He will drown them with the Red sea of their own making. Be still and know that I am God (Ps 46:10).

Are you standing still before God now? Fret not thyself any longer and you will see the end of the wicked, for their end is known already and the Lord will exalt you higher than your enemies, (Ps 73) alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come and see how the Lord will do it:

Job 13:13-15:13, Psalm 104:24-30, Proverbs 21:15-16, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20

Sustained and Secure

All of them wait for You to give them their food at the right time.—Psalm 104:27

No creature has the power to preserve itself. “Does papyrus grow where there is no marsh?” asked Job (Jb 8:11). Both man and beast would perish if there were no food, and there would be no food if the earth were not refreshed with fruitful showers. As one preacher put it: “We came from God’s hand, and we remain in His hand.”

Think of the marvel of life in the womb. How an infant can live for so many months in such a cramped environment—and without breathing—is unaccountable except for the power of God in preservation. It was divine preservation Daniel was thinking of when he said to the godless Belshazzar: “But you have not glorified the God who holds your life-breath in His hand and who controls the whole course of your life” (Dn 5:23). Everywhere in the Scriptures God is presented not only as the Creator of the world but as its Sustainer and Preserver also. God has not wound up the universe like a clock and then separated Himself from it; rather, He is active in sustaining it, and were He to remove Himself from it, it would cease to exist.

The writer to the Hebrews reminds us that “He sustains all things by His powerful word” (1:3). If the maker of some artifact were to die, his death would make no difference to it. It would continue to exist just as it did before. Not so with God and His world, however. If God were to die, the universe would fall to pieces. But don’t worry—God cannot die. The universe is quite secure.


O God, when I consider how You are my Sustainer and my Preserver, my heart is humbled before You. You cannot die, and because I am linked to You, I cannot die. I know my body will die, but my soul is Yours forever. Thank You, dear Father. Amen.

Further Study

Isa 46:1-13; Ps 18:35; 147:6

What did the Lord underline to the children of Israel?

What did the psalmist testify?

Did you read that “….don’t worry – God cannot die” the universe is quiet secure. Yes! The universe stand secure, it will not fall into pieces because the God we call upon and serve will never die, neither will go out of existence. Praise the Lord!

Join me to sing, He is alive, Amen! He is alive, my Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen! // Glory be to God in highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!

Beloved, I know that our God lives forever and will never die, so fear not ever if everything seems crumbling down, know yea that He will build it up again. Remember your lifting is right here, He will do it, just be calm and you will see the glory of the Lord coming down, as the latter glory will be greater than the former glory alleluia Amen!

On this note dear beloved, we declare this week open and by the grace of God will return at the end with a lot of testimonies, remember “Be still and know that I am God …..”

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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