Victory is mine x2 Victory is mine today, I told satan get behind me victory is mine today. Is all over me, is moving around x3 is all over me is moving me around the Holy Ghost power is moving me round. I have joy, the Savior has given me, the joy of salvation, joy every day. Joy, joy, joy everyday! Happy, happy happy everyday; Joy joy joy everyday! The savior has given me joy everyday!

O God, we thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name, we worship You, we give You praise, we honour Father. blessed be Thy Holy Name forever Amen!

Beloved, what a joyful day in God’s presence today. Do you have something to glorify God for this week? Whatever you have including self is a gift. So if you ever have anything physically to thank God for, begin to thank Him because you are life, you can move you and you can think. This is more than enough to lift Him up.

The Lord is Faithful and kind. Everlasting is His Name, let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. Faithful is our God. His promises standeth sure. When God delivers us from the captivity of the evils ones, we are like them that dream dreams, our mouth were filled with laughter.

Beloved, what are you believing God for this month of glorious lift? Be assured is given you but you have to take a practical step to possess your possession. Some times in life there are connecting step that leads you to path you are desiring to go. Do not be afraid, don’t look back, take timely decisions and step towards achieving those things you much desire. Finally look up to Jesus, He is the author and finisher of our faith in God.

He is covenant keeping God. Our victory is sometimes one step at a time according the topic before us. God have reason for allowing something in our life. Often times. He uses them to build us up, other times we need it to strengthened our faith in Him. By and large, it makes us  better Christian to be use by God and a blessing to our brethren.

As you read on, you will discover why salvation is a life process, why God takes time to prune you. You will discover the beauty of God, His sovereignty and His  reward which is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:23).

Come along with me as we explore the Word together:

The Lord your God will drive out these nations before you little by little. You will not be able to destroy them all at once; otherwise, the wild animals will become too numerous for you.—Deuteronomy 7:22

When God led His people into the Promised Land, He did so step by step. If He had allowed them to annihilate their enemies at once, the land would have been too difficult to manage. So He allowed some of the enemies to remain for a time in order to maintain the land and suppress the wildlife. In doing so, God taught His people to trust Him step by step. He gave them only as much responsibility as they could handle at one time.

As God leads you in your Christian growth, He will allow challenges that match your character and relationship to Him. God will not totally change your character at once when you become a Christian. Rather, He will lead you through a process to become more like His Son. He will keep working in an area in your life until it is controlled by the Holy Spirit. You may eagerly desire maturity in every area of your character, but steady, gradual growth is more lasting. God will not take shortcuts in His process of making you like Christ. He sees your life from eternity and will take as long as necessary to produce lasting spiritual growth in you.

Do not become impatient while God is producing Christlikeness in you. Do not seek more responsibilities than those He has given you. Obey all that you know He has asked, and He will lead you at a pace that fits your present character and His purposes for you. come as we experience His sovereignty over all the earth.

“The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice.” Psalm 97:1

Causes for disquietude there are none so long as this blessed sentence is true. On earth the Lord’s power as readily controls the rage of the wicked as the rage of the sea; His love as easily refreshes the poor with mercy as the earth with showers. Majesty gleams in flashes of fire amid the tempest’s horrors, and the glory of the Lord is seen in its grandeur in the fall of empires, and the crash of thrones. In all our conflicts and tribulations, we may behold the hand of the divine King.

“God is God; He sees and hears

All our troubles, all our tears.

Soul, forget not, ‘mid thy pains,

God o’er all for ever reigns.”

In hell, evil spirits own, with misery, His undoubted supremacy. When permitted to roam abroad, it is with a chain at their heel; the bit is in the mouth of behemoth, and the hook in the jaws of leviathan. Death’s darts are under the Lord’s lock, and the grave’s prisons have divine power as their warder. The terrible vengeance of the Judge of all the earth makes fiends cower down and tremble, even as dogs in the kennel fear the hunter’s whip.

“Fear not death, nor Satan’s thrusts,

God defends who in Him trusts;

Soul, remember, in thy pains,

God o’er all for ever reigns.”

In heaven none doubt the sovereignty of the King Eternal, but all fall on their faces to do Him homage. Angels are His courtiers, the redeemed His favourites, and all delight to serve Him day and night. May we soon reach the city of the great King!

“For this life’s long night of sadness

He will give us peace and gladness.

Soul, remember, in thy pains,

God o’er all for ever reigns.”

We need not fear him that can only destroy the body but cannot kill the soul rather fear Him who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell (Matt 10:28).

Beloved of my Father, are you threaten by situations or events of life? Are you worried by what you are passing through presently? Do not be afraid for He that is you is greater than he that is in world (1 Jn 4:4).

Take time to mediate on these sayings of the Lord, let us endeavor to put them into practice. See you next week by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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