Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee, O! Lord! Among the gods, who is like Thee! You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising, doing wonders alleluia! Always doing wonders alleluia! // I am thanking You Lord for Who You are! What You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You Lord for who You are! What You have done, Dan Sarkari Baba!

Our Father in heaven we thank You we bless Your Name adoration to Your Holy Name! You are the Mighty man in battle, thank You for a new month, thank You for watching over us, thank You for lifting our feeble hands and knees. Thank You Lord for gift of a new month, thank You Lord for making us part of Your agenda in this glorious month and the attending blessings. Thank You for miracles and blessings that you will shower upon us for greatness. Thank You for past months and thank You for the new month Father glory be to Your Holy month in Jesus wonderful month we do pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come and join us sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well. Come and join me sing alleluia Jehovah Jireh has done me well.

Beloveth, join us to sing alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Beginning and the End, the Ancient of Days, Our Hope in Ages past. The Creator of the universe, the One Who is and is yet to come, let us Praise His Holy Name for Him alone is great,  Him alone is Lord, Him alone is powerful! Glory be to Him forever and ever in Jesus Name.

I have seen the Lord goodness, His mercies and compassion. I have seen the Lord goodness alleluia Praise the Lord!

Beloveth happy new month!!!!!!!!!!!, Praise the Lord for the privilege to shout alleluia in the land of the living, Praise the Lord Alleluia !!!!!!!!!

Is a new month, a glorious one indeed to be everything the Lord has made us to be. I hope you are excited! Are you grateful to God for this great mercy. If you are, show some excitement before Him, appreciate Him. Give him Praise, worship Him adore Him, honour Him and bow before Him in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, welcome to your month of “More Blessings through the Blood of Jesus.” (Mal 3:10-12, Ps 68:19, Gen 1:1-28, Ps 9).

Beloveth,  the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour down to us  blessing that there not be any room enough to receive it. Beloveth, the Lord will not only pour down blessings: He will also rebuke devourer for your sake, the fruit of your ground shall be preserve and your vine fruits shall not cast its fruits before time in Jesus Name for the Lord of Host shall preserve all that pertaining you and all that are us in Jesus Name! all the nations shall call you blessed; for yea shall be delightsome land. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!! He is giving domino afresh in Jesus Name. Are you ready? Join us to sing this song.

I am thank You Lord for who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You Lord for Who You are what you have done Dan Sarkari Baba!

Beloveth, this month will do us good, for every confusion that has followed us into this Year 2021, every barrenness, ever sickness, every failure, every hatred, every accusation, every stagnation, every opposing spirits, every monitoring spirits, every monitoring gadgets, every evil spirits and incantations that followed us into this year into this third month of the year be swallowed by the FIRE of the HOLY GHOST in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We come against you by the Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross you are terminated in Jesus Name!

Yes the Spirit of God is descending like a dove upon us and will brood on us afresh and where the Spirit of God is; there is liberate, there is holiness, there is cleansing. The Spirit of God will speak life into us and every damage done in our lives are ending now in Jesus Name!

And the Lord will speak life and blessings into our lives, where we have failed before now the Spirit of God is empowering us afresh, where we have limited the Spirit of God is enabling us right away in Jesus Name!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth come on for more discovering:


“He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove.” Matthew 3:16


As the Spirit of God descended upon the Lord Jesus, the head, so He also, in measure, descends upon the members of the mystical body. His descent is to us after the same fashion as that in which it fell upon our Lord. There is often a singular rapidity about it; or ever we are aware, we are impelled onward and heavenward beyond all expectation. Yet is there none of the hurry of earthly haste, for the wings of the dove are as soft as they are swift.

Quietness seems essential to many spiritual operations; the Lord is in the still small voice, and like the dew, His grace is distilled in silence. The dove has ever been the chosen type of purity, and the Holy Spirit is holiness itself. Where He cometh, everything that is pure and lovely, and of good report, is made to abound, and sin and uncleanness depart.

Peace reigns also where the Holy Dove comes with power; He bears the olive branch which shows that the waters of divine wrath are assuaged. Gentleness is a sure result of the Sacred Dove’s transforming power: hearts touched by His benign influence are meek and lowly henceforth and for ever.

Harmlessness follows, as a matter of course; eagles and ravens may hunt their prey—the turtledove can endure wrong, but cannot inflict it. We must be harmless as doves. The dove is an apt picture of love, the voice of the turtle is full of affection; and so, the soul visited by the blessed Spirit, abounds in love to God, in love to the brethren, and in love to sinners; and above all, in love to Jesus.

The brooding of the Spirit of God upon the face of the deep, first produced order and life, and in our hearts, He causes and fosters new life and light. Blessed Spirit, as Thou didst rest upon our dear Redeemer, even so rest upon us from this time forward and for ever.

Amen! It produces order and life and foster new life and light. The Lord will empower us and make a vessel unto His Holy Name alleluia!!  The power from on high will help us, purge us and create anew in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, is your month of blessings through the Blood of Jesus pour out for your sake and for my sake and were the Blood speak nothing will stand in the Name of Jesus.

I decree peace into your life, family, career and ministry in Jesus Name. I decree peace in every area of your life that satan is contending with you in the Name of Jesus. I decree More Blessings upon the works of your hands, the Fruit of your land and body in Jesus Name. Beloveth, your business and career and ministries and life is experiencing a turn- around in Jesus Name! concerning you satan has failed therefore arise and jump and praise God  Whose power keep you through all the dark days and brought you to this day Amen!!!!!!!  Are you dancing? Are you rejoicing? may our God give us more reasons to give Him praise forever in Jesus name.

Once again, welcome into your month of More Blessings Through the Blood of Jesus. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out the Hand of the Lord will perform it; it will be everyday blessing galore in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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