Blessed be the Name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praise and adore, Lord we lift our holy hands in one accord, singing blessed be Thy Name x3 of the Lord. All the glory must be to the Lord, for He is worthy of our praise, no man on earth should be glory to His Name, all the glory must be to the Lord.

Eternal Rock of Ages, how Wonderful Are You. You are precious than the morning stars. Great is the faithfulness Lord. Thank You Lord for all You have done for us. Your protection against the devises of the evil ones. You are a Mighty God. “Surely He will deliver Thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He will cover thee with His feathers and under His wings shalt thou trust; His truth shall be thy shield and buckler… A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh Thee. (Ps 91:3-7). Thank You Father for all these promises and many more that are contained in Your Word. Glory, honour be ascribe unto Thee forever more.

Beloved, how are doing so far? I come with great news this day. If you must doubt anything ever said by the Lord, I think it will be better to doubt your doubt. I want to show you something in the scripture we just read now, “His truth shall be thy shield and buckler” The truth of “Who” God is, shall be your shield. Beloved, do you know Who God is?

This promise mean so much to me. Do know that God will never fail? He is Ever Faithful. He is the Almighty God. He is the Ancient of Days. He is the Rock that Standeth Sure. God is the Beginning and the End. The Alpha and the Omega. He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresence and Omniscience God.  When God made a promise to Abraham, He swear by no greater, He sware by Himself. Saying, surely blessing I will bless Thee, and multiplying, I will multiply Thee.

Beloved, we are safe and secure in Him because He is able to do what no man can for us. When He said a thing; it stands forth. God has promised us that this is our month of blessedness in Christ, will you just trust Him and see how it will come about (past). There is turning of shadow in Him. He is not a Man that He can lie. “His Word made all the difference.” (Isa 51:15)

God does not need any man to bring His promises to past. He can orchestrate a way to bring to about His purpose and plans in your life; in my life. Let your faith be strong in the Lord, He will do all He have promised us to do, none of His word will fall to the ground without fulfilling that which He has sent it to accomplish (Isa 55:11).

Surely the Lord will bless you in the city according to His promises, let us discover more:

“If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, blessed shalt thou be in the city.” Deut. 28:2, 3

The city is full of care, and he who has to go there from day to day finds it to be a place of great wear and tear. It is full of noise, and stir, and bustle, and sore travail: many are its temptations, losses, and worries. But to go there with the divine blessing takes off the edge of its difficulty; to remain there with that blessing is to find pleasure in its duties, and strength equal to its demands.

A blessing in the city may not make us great, but it will keep us good; it may not make us rich, but it will preserve us honest. Whether we are porters, or clerks, or managers, or merchants, or magistrates, the city will afford us opportunities for usefulness. It is good fishing where there are shoals of fish, and it is hopeful to work for our Lord amid the thronging crowds. We might prefer the quiet of a country life; but if called to town, we may certainly prefer it because there is room for our energies.

Today let us expect good things because of this promise, and let our care be to have an open ear to the voice of the Lord, and a ready hand to execute His bidding. Obedience brings the blessing. “In keeping his commandments there is great reward.”

Are you willing to obey so as to obtain His blessings? The blessings of the Lord is incomprehensible and irreversible (Num 23: 20). Come with me to see how the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and addeth sorrow. God’s blessings stands you out. Let’s read on:

“Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi.” 2Samuel 18:23

Running is not everything, there is much in the way which we select: a swift foot over hill and down dale will not keep pace with a slower traveller upon level ground. How is it with my spiritual journey, am I labouring up the hill of my own works and down into the ravines of my own humiliations and resolutions, or do I run by the plain way of “Believe and live”?

How blessed is it to wait upon the Lord by faith! The soul runs without weariness, and walks without fainting, in the way of believing. Christ Jesus is the way of life, and He is a plain way, a pleasant way, a way suitable for the tottering feet and feeble knees of trembling sinners: am I found in this way, or am I hunting after another track such as priestcraft or metaphysics may promise me?

I read of the way of holiness, that the wayfaring man, though a fool, shall not err therein: have I been delivered from proud reason and been brought as a little child to rest in Jesus’ love and blood? If so, by God’s grace I shall outrun the strongest runner who chooses any other path. This truth I may remember to my profit in my daily cares and needs.

It will be my wisest course to go at once to my God, and not to wander in a roundabout manner to this friend and that. He knows my wants and can relieve them, to whom should I repair but to Himself by the direct appeal of prayer, and the plain argument of the promise. “Straightforward makes the best runner.” I will not parlay with the servants, but hasten to their master.

In reading this passage, it strikes me that if men vie with each other in common matters, and one outruns the other, I ought to be in solemn earnestness so to run that I may obtain. Lord, help me to gird up the loins of my mind, and may I press forward towards the mark for the prize of my high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

O Lord help also not to loiter on the way of idleness or talebearer but empower me to preach your Word in season and out of season. I believe that my reward will surely come fast and not delay (Jos 21:45; Ps 34:10; Ps 23:1) do you believe same? Help O Lord! to speak your word with boldness as was in the time of old (Acts 4:31). Is that your desire too?

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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