What God Wants From Us

Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Your Name is God Emmanuel!!!!! Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Your Name is God Emmanuel!!!!!...// Blessed assurance Jesus O what a foretaste of glory divine…...

What Does It Really Mean To Take Up The Cross And Follow Christ?…

Glory be to Jesus in the highest… Amen!!! Glory be to Jesus in the highest Amen!!!... for His mercy enduerth forever… Amen!!! for His...

Are The Storms Of Life Getting To You?

Who is like unto Thee O Lord… Who is like unto Thee… O! Lord…among the gods..Who is like Thee.. You are glorious in holiness...

Why Is It So Many Believers Grow Cold, Lose The Fire, And Peak Out...

Glory be to God in the highest Amen!x2 for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!x2/// Holy Spirit move again let me my life whole again...

Rest Is a Gift….

I will exalt You Lord for Thou have lifted me above Your enemies… Your banner over me is love…// You are the Lord that...

The Second Reformation….

Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! for His mercy enduerth forever …Amen!!! For His...

A Spiritual Lift….

You have done me well, You have done me well, You have done me well, Jesus… You have done me well, You have done...

Are You Following Jesus Christ For The Right Reasons?….

He is alive! Amen! He is alive… Jesus is alive forever He is alive! Amen!! Send down Your Power we pray Thee O! Lord…...

God Routs Fear…..

He is alive forever… He is alive… My Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen…x2… You are the Lord that is Your Name…...


You are the Pillar that holds my life… You are the Pillar…x2… Master Jesus.. You are the Pillar that holds my life… Master Jesus...