Enlarge Your Tent!
Glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love. All glory glory alleluia His banner over me is love. All glory glory alleluia His...
Wilderness Communion
For the love You gave to us, we come to say Thank You, for Your Son Jesus Christ Who died on the cross. I...
Obeying God May Seem Illogical And Prove To Be Costly
Thank Thanks Lord, I give You thanks for all You have done in my life, we are so good, and our soul has found...
Why Do You Doubt?
Everlasting Father, everlasting Son, immortal Holy Ghostbe thou glorify. Everlasting Father, everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify. // who has the finally...
“He did it with all his heart and prospered.”
I will lift up Jesus higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah...
“Watchman, what of the night?”
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are Lord of my life 2x O God You are the Lord of my life 2x. It is raining all...
Welcome to Your Month of Dominion through Goodness in Christ Jesus.
Magnify the Lord with me praising the Name of Jesus. Magnify the Lord with me praising the Name of Jesus. // Who is like...
Yea, I Have Loved Thee … Love
Miracle Worker, You are Miracle Worker, come and do a miracle, Your miracle today. Come and do Your Miracle, Your Miracle today. Destiny changer,...
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
There is something that makes me come into your Presence, my helper, my helper O, my helper O, my helper, O Lord, there is...
Perfect Willingness
I will exalt you Lord for thy have lifted me above my enemies the banner over me is love. I will lift up your...