I have seen the Lord Goodness, His Mercy and Compassion… I have seen the Lord Goodness… alleluia Praise the Lord…// Jesus is a Mighty God… He is Mighty God… satan bows before Him… He is Mighty… Demons bow before Him… He is a God…

Our Father Thank You and Thank You and Thank You… What shall I say unto the Lord… all I have to say is Thank You Lord…

Our Father in heaven, we glorify Your Holy Name… We bow down before Thee… Thank You Father for lift Up Your Name higher…far above every other Name… Alleluia…

Is a beautiful day… Alleluia… Praise the Lord… Beloveth sounds of rejoicing will be heard within your walls in the Name of Jesus…. Glory alleluia…. God will give us reasons to rejoice and be make merry in Jesus Name… Alleluia…

Beloveth, you will dance your dance… you will sing your songs… You will shout your shout…. In Jesus Name… The Lord will do that which will put laughter in your mouth and you will not but shout your shout of rejoicing in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Welcome to the second of May… beloveth standing on the Authority in Christ Jesus…. every day of this month… You will have reasons to sing your song, shout your shout… Dance your dance… Alleluia… and so shall it be in Jesus Name Amen…..

Alleluia Amen… Alleluia Amen… for Jesus conquered satan… Alleluia Praise the Lord…. Alleluia…. Amen….

The finish work of God…. was from the foundation of the earth… You are a child of destiny… Alleluia… what God have ordained from the foundation of the earth must surly come to past… nothing will hinder it…

Beloveth nothing missing; nothing broken… Alleluia… we are moving forward… beloveth.. nothing will make us stagnate or immobile in Jesus Name… Alleluia… The Power of the Most High God will push you upward, higher, deeper… in Jesus Name….

I see someone exceeding the set targets for this quarter…. And another achieving the year targets in this quarter… O my God … God is doing a quick work of righteousness in us… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…

He has started a good work in us and will finish same in Jesus Name….

We will not lament over our desires in Jesus Name… The power on high and in heaven will accomplish our heart desires in Jesus Name … It is the Lord doing and it is marvelous in our sight…. Alleluia Amen…

Come and see what the Lord has done…. He will yet do more in Jesus Name… Amen….

God Finishes His Work

“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.” Ps. 138:8

He who has begun will carry on the work which is being wrought within my soul. The Lord is concerned about everything that concerns me. All that is now good, but not perfect, the Lord will watch over, and preserve, and carry out to completion. This is a great comfort.

I could not perfect the work of grace myself. Of that I am quite sure, for I fail every day, and have only held on so long as I have because the Lord has helped me. If the Lord were to leave me, all my past experience would go for nothing, and I should perish from the way.

But the Lord will continue to bless me. He will perfect my faith, my love, my character, my life-work. He will do this because He has begun a work in me. He gave me the concern I feel, and, in a measure, He has fulfilled my gracious aspirations. He never leaves a work unfinished; this would not be for His glory, nor would it be like Him.

He knows how to accomplish His gracious design, and though my own evil nature and the world, and the devil, all conspire to hinder Him, I do not doubt His promise. He will perfect that which concerneth me, and I will praise Him for ever.

Lord, let thy gracious work make some advance this day!

Yes…. is someone still in doubt what God can do… are still cultivating those negatives… thoughts that has held thee bounds… now listen and pay great attention… God will concern all that perfect you… that perfect me and all that concerns us in Jesus Name… Alleluia…

I am so glad… I belong to Jesus… I belong to Jesus… I belong to my God… x2

Beloveth is that your song too…. Glory be to God alleluia…. We are in the right camp… The land of Goshen, where God is the Keeper … alleluia… The land of Canaan where milk and honey flows daily….

Remember you must create that world that you desire… satan will not hinder you… the gate of hell will not stop Thee…

Be strong and be courageous as Joshua… For as the Lord was Moses and Joshua… He will be with you also… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia…

Further Reading- Rev.21:7, Job.35:10, Gal.5:16, Ps.119:63, Jas.1:5, 1Jn.2:12, Col.4:2, Rom.10:8, Rom.13:14, Gal.6:9, Gen.6:8, Jn.9:5.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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