You are the Mighty God! You are the Great I Am… Alleluia… Alleluia… You are the Mighty God! The Great I Am… Alleluia… Alleluia… // Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is good…

Praise the Name of the Lord… The Lord is Good.. all the Time… Yes! His Goodness enduerth to all generation… We serve a Living God… His mercy enduerth forever and ever… Alleluia… Thank You Father…

Thank You for the gift of new month… The Month… of May… Thank You for Wonders You are have done from January to May… Father You too much ehhhh. Praise the Lord….

Beloveth… we made it… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia… Thank God that the race is not for the swift… nor for the battle for the strong alleluia… Thank You Jesus for You seat in the middle of the affairs of men…alleluia.. Thank You Father…. Alleluia…

Beloveth let us celebrate our God for His mercy from the beginning of the year up on till now we grateful we remain grateful…

My mouth will sing of the Goodness of the Lord… forever I sing… of the Goodness of the Lord…. Praise Jesus…. for His mercy enduerth forever alleluia….

We are glad beloveth to welcome you to “Our Month of Resounding Joy in Christ Jesus” …Lk.1:42-55… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia…Yes we will shout, we will rejoice for His Goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our live… Alleluia… Amen…

Beloveth… is a new month with great potential… God gave you a blank cheque to write what you want Him to do…. That is, another opportunity to be all that God created you to be… Yes… So you get up and create your dream world beloveth… that world you desire and love… You get up and create it else it remains a dream… or it will never manifest… Praise the Lord… Alleluia…

Beloveth, come along with us for more:

Full of Song

“The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isa. 55:12

When sin is pardoned, our greatest sorrow is ended, and our truest pleasure begins. Such is the joy which the Lord bestows upon His reconciled ones, that it overflows and fills all nature with delight. The material world has latent music in it, and a renewed heart knows how to bring it out and make it vocal.

Creation is the organ, and a gracious man finds out its keys, lays his hand thereon, and wakes the whole system of the universe to the harmony of praise. Mountains and hills, and other great objects, are, as it were, the bass of the chorus; while the trees of the wood, and all things that have life, take up the air of the melodious song.

When God’s Word is made to prosper among us, and souls are saved, then everything seems full of song. When we hear the confessions of young believers, and the testimonies of well-instructed saints, we are made so happy that we must praise the Lord, and then it seems as if rocks and hills, and woods and fields, echoed our joy-notes, and turned the world into an orchestra.

Lord, on this happy Mayday, lead me out into thy tuneful world as rich in praise as a lark in full song.

Beloveth… Your mouth will be filled with songs of the wonders and goodness of God… Alleluia… You will shed bitter tears… the power of God will break every power of addition and failure in Jesus Name…

O Lord as we pray today… look with pity upon us, show us mercy and deliver in our hands testimonies that sound like lies in Jesus Name

Beloveth, our mouth will be filled with songs of rejoicing in Jesus Name…. Yes! Elizabeth and Mary sang their songs… We will walk in that order in Jesus Name… Yes… Rejoicing and celebrating will be our portion all through this month in Jesus Name…. Alleluia… somebody shout alleluia…. Amen.

At the end of this month, you shout “Truly, the Lord made me laugh”… therefore I will rejoice and be glad indeed… Alleluia… Amen!!! Praise the Lord….

Let us pray….

Further Reading- Eph.6:10, Rev.1:8, Col.4:6, 1Cor.13:13…Matt.9:28, 1Cor. 1:23, Rev.3:11, 2Cor.3:17, Eph.5;2, Phil.1:21, 1Cor.1:23, Eph..1:18, 1Jn.1:2, Exo. 34:6.

Once again welcome to “Our month of Resounding Joy in Christ Jesus” ….. Alleluia…

You will sing! You will dance! and you will shout of Joy… alleluia….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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