Come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is good… There is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good…. Jesus gave me peace of mind… He gave peace of mind… Jesus gave me peace of mind…// I have seen the Lord is good… I have seen the Lord is good… I have seen the Lord is good… I have seen the Lord is good…

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name…, we adore Thee we give Thee praises, we worship and adore Thee O Lord.. who is like unto Thee…

(Song)You are the Most High… You are the Most High God…

Faithful God… O! Faithful God… Only You deserved the glory in our lives… Only You deserve the glory O faithful God… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…

Thank You for the gift of a brand new week… Yes… Faithful are You Lord…let all the Glory be ascribe unto Thee Father in Jesus Name… Alleluia…

Beloveth…how are doing… Thank God for the gift a brand new week… what an Awesome God we serve… praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia

Today we have the promise of God before us… “I will not leave you comfortless;…” This promise is Huge …. Coming from the Lord is “Priceless” alleluia… He said, “I will come for you”

Wow I am so excited … Praise the Lord. Beloveth, I don’t know how it is for you… but I know that Jesus is more than what we call Him… Each Word of promise from our Master is priceless… Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… in case you are in the middle of no where Jesus is saying I will not leave you comfortless… In case your hope is failing or looking clash… Jesus is saying, “I will not leave you comfortless”… Alleluia…

The year has begun and we are in the second month and you are working effortlessly to ensure you partake of the promises of God… especially the His Promise of Restoration and it seem as if it is not adding up…

Let His Word in the season apply to your spirit… “ I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you…” Alleluia… Yes… there is no Word that will be smoother than this… Has He said it; He will also bring it to pass… alleluia…

Is your heart heavy and laden with a load of care… just know that Jesus said “ He will not leave you comfortless: He will come to you… alleluia…

Come along with us for more:

He Will Return

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” John 14:18

He left us, and yet we are not left orphans. He is our comfort, and He is gone; but we are not comfortless. Our comfort is that He will come to us, and this is consolation enough to sustain us through His prolonged absence. Jesus is already on His way: He says, “I come quickly”: He rides post-haste toward us.

He says, “I will come”: and none can prevent His coming, or put it back for a quarter of an hour. He specially says, “I will come to you”; and so He will. His coming is specially to and for His own people. This is meant to be their present comfort while they mourn that the Bridegroom doth not yet appear.

When we lose the joyful sense of His presence we mourn; but we may not sorrow as if there were no hope. Our Lord in a little wrath has hid Himself from us for a moment; but He will return in full favor. He leaves us in a sense, but only in a sense.

When He withdraws, He leaves a pledge behind that He will return. O Lord, come quickly! There is no life in this earthly existence if thou be gone. We sigh for the return of thy sweet smile. When wilt thou come unto us? We are sure thou wilt appear; but be thou like a roe, or a young hart. Make no tarrying, O our God!

Yes! He Word is Yea and Amen… therefore we hope in Him always… Has He said it; He will surely bring it to pass… “Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever” Heb.13:8, Therefore keep on looking at Jesus “He is the Author and Finisher of our faith”…Heb.12:2 Alleluia!!

I speak the Word of the Lord to you… in whatever situations you are… hear this “Thou are made whole….”

On this note, we declare the week… open and blessed and by the end we will return with many testimonies in Jesus Name…

Further Reading  Jn.5:14, Ps.56:3, Gal.1:4, Heb.2:9, Jas.4:6, Col.4:6, Jn.5:14, Ps.119:117, Jas.5:16, Phil.1:27, 1Cor.3:17, 2Cor.5:17, 1 Cor.6:17, Jn.9:5.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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