Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!// I will lift Your Name higher I will lift Your Name higher…I will lift Your Name higher.. I will lift Your Name higher…I will lift up Your Name! above every other Name…

Our Father we thank You… We bless Your Holy Name.. We adore Thee for You are God… You are a Mighty Man in battle.. Thank You for another opportunity to learn at your feet…Glory be to you Lord… We are grateful and we return to give You Praise… O Lord of great mercy… Who can be compared with Thee… There is nobody… In heaven You are God… On earth You remaineth the same… Who is like unto Thee Father alleluia to Your Holy Name… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever Amen!!!

Forever O Lord! Your Word is settled is settled in heaven… Forever… 2x….

Our Father come and have Your way in our lives and situations… do that which no man can do … Come and make a Name for Yourself…O Lord that Your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name….

Beloveth… we are going higher…. we are going higher … we are going higher, higher, higher everyday exceeding grace… I am going higher… I am going higher… I am going higher higher higher everyday exceeding grace….

We serve a Beautiful God… Beautiful for all situations… Yes… Great is our God… He is Beautiful in all situations… His Name is Wonderful… beloveth, the month is going gradually and we are trusting God to step into situations we desperately needs His help… those areas where the report is not show casing His glory… we want You Lord to appear in those areas and give us testimonies in Jesus name…. those areas where they are asking us where is our God?

Our God is stepping into them and He is making Name for Himself in Jesus Name… Someone is going to testify of the goodness of God… Yes there is a God that does what no man can do that same God is here to help your destiny… beloveth what are trusting God for… arise, lift up your voice to the Lord and call Him for help… Yes He will send forth help to you now in Jesus Name….

We serve a Living God, Whose Arm is more than able to do what no man can do … beloveth receive and made whole… be healed… be delivered… carry your bundle of joy… in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Beloveth do you wanna run a Biblical Based Business with Christian Values?

Yes! The Lord taught us to work by working Himself… even as we speak the Lord is still in the business of doing wonders… Beloveth, Apostle Paul said in His letter to the Thessalonians “If any man will not work, he shall not eat.” 2Thess.3:10. So we as children of God must not only work but we must run businesses or careers that will receive God’s approval… Praise the Lord!

If such is your desire, join us as we receive more from the Throne of grace…. Praise the Name of the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want To Run A Biblically Based Business With Christian Values?

Here’s “Jack’s Service Company’s” statement of values :

  1. Trustworthy With Integrity — We will be reliable, dependable, and can be counted on to keep promises. We will do what we say we will do within the promised time frame. (See 1 Samuel 2:3)
  1. Worth of the Individual — We will practice the ‘Golden Rule’ in decision-making. We will respect human life, dignity and rights of each including health, safety and work environment. We are in business for ‘people’ (employees, customers, vendors), not for our own wealth, power, prestige or ego. (See Luke 15:1-7; Matthew 7:12)
  1. Family & Stability in Relationships — The family is the foundation unit of every society. We will respect women as wives, men as husbands, and singles. The family has a higher priority than the firm and its profitability; therefore, we will seek to build it up, not tear it down. (See Galatians 6:1-9)
  1. Honest & Truthful Communication — We will strive to be genuine, open and above board in all relationships. We will honestly and accurately report the facts. (See Colossians 3:8, 9)
  2. Responsibility of the Individual As Part of the Team — Each of us will accept individual accountability for how we carry out our responsibilities. We will aim to motivate each other by praise rather than criticism to create an atmosphere of productivity and freedom to admit individual mistakes in order to accomplish team goals. (See Ephesians 4:28-32)
  1. Balance of Work/Rest — Vacations and breaks will be encouraged so that proper rest, recreation, and reflection will maximize long-term productivity and effectiveness. We believe in working hard, but not necessarily in working unproductive long hours just for the sake of appearance. (See Mark 6:31; 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12)
  1. Rewarding Productivity — We will seek to reward industriousness, innovation, initiative, prudence, and discipline. Our focus is to develop our full potential, the result of which is reaping rewards of our labor. (See Ecclesiastes 5:18, 19; 1 Timothy 5:18, 19)
  1. Everyone is Accountable to Authority — Any enterprise must have structure and organization. Every person is accountable to a higher authority. (See 1 Peter 2:13-18)
  1. Servant Leaders — Effective leaders will be servants who have attracted a following because of their passion, vision, integrity, and love for people. We will make every effort to develop this kind of leader. (See Mark 10:43-45)

10 Stewardship — We will strive to use wisely and prudently the resources with which we have been entrusted. (See 1 Corinthians 4:2).

I came across this yesterday, “Everybody wants the truth but no one wants to be honest.” Does that apply to you? Beloveth, we must be honest in our work and in relationship… we must ensure we apply integrity in our work and walk with God in Jesus Name.

Where you cannot help yourself … ask the Holy Spirit of God to help you… Amen!!!

It might be not easy to run a Biblical business in a corrupt environments we found ourselves but with your faith in God and with the help of the Holy Spirit we will make it…

Further Reading: Ps.139:8, 1Cor.3:16, Rom.1:17, Lk.2:14, Col.3:15, 1Cor. 4:20, Job 34:32, Col.2:10.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

the sun newspaper today

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