Father, we are grateful for all that we enjoyed from the throne all through last week; good health both in mind and body, protections over our homes, careers and ministries. Your shield over the arrows that fly by the day and pestilence that stalks in the dark places. We reverence You, we praise You, we worship You forever and ever.

We also thank You for the new week, a new day ahead of us. Let glory, honour adoration be unto Thee Alone in Jesus Name.

Beloved, what are blessed privilege we have to fellowship with our Father once again in this part of eternity, we do not take it for guarantee. Let someone give a shout offering unto Him, our Lord Jesus, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. He is the Ancient of Days and the Soon Coming King. Praise God!

By the grace of God, we are in the final lap of this month of “dominion in the Lord”. Testimonies are bound on what God is doing the lives of His Children and we are fully persuaded that whatever is left for your dominion is be established, the Lord will bless and honour you for the remaining days in Jesus Name. We are truly gaining dominion in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, often times we want the Lord to grant us our heart desires but the big question is, “have you spent time to find out if your desire is truly in the will or desire of God? It’s important that we align our desires with that of God’s. Let the heartbeat of God be our heartbeat; only then will our heart desires be most pleasing to God to grant and we will also continue to be in His will for us, therefore brethren:

Take delight in the Lord,

and He will give you your heart’s desires.—Psalm 37:4

Your relationship with God ought to bring you more joy, satisfaction, and pleasure than any other relationship, activity, or material possession you have. Scripture exhorts you to delight yourself in the Lord, finding your greatest pleasure in God and the things dear to His heart.

How can you find pleasure in what God enjoys? Only as you spend time with Him will you begin to take delight in the things God loves. As you spend intimate time with God and allow Him to show you your situation from His perspective, you will begin to see things as God sees them.

As you adjust yourself to God, your heart will begin to desire the same things God’s heart desires. When you pray, you will find yourself asking for the very things God desires. Matters foremost on God’s heart will be preeminent in yours. Your first request in prayer will not be for yourself, but for God’s name to be exalted and His kingdom to be extended (Matt. 6:9–10).

Have you been asking God to give you the desires of your heart without first seeking to understand what is on His heart? God places this important requirement for those who pray: that we seek His priorities and make them our own. This great qualifier prevents us from asking out of selfishness. As we find joy in the Lord, we will see what is truly important, and we will long for these things as the Father does.

Let’s consider the bible account below to throw more light on the topic before us:

“He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.” Mark 16:9

Jesus “appeared first to Mary Magdalene,” probably not only on account of her great love and persevering seeking, but because, as the context intimates, she had been a special trophy of Christ’s delivering power. Learn from this, that the greatness of our sin before conversion should not make us imagine that we may not be specially favoured with the very highest grade of fellowship.

She was one who had left all to become a constant attendant on the Saviour. He was her first, her chief object. Many who were on Christ’s side did not take up Christ’s cross; she did. She spent her substance in relieving His wants. If we would see much of Christ, let us serve Him. Tell me who they are that sit oftenest under the banner of His love, and drink deepest draughts from the cup of communion, and I am sure they will be those who give most, who serve best, and who abide closest to the bleeding heart of their dear Lord.

But notice how Christ revealed Himself to this sorrowing one—by a word, “Mary.” It needed but one word in His voice, and at once she knew Him, and her heart owned allegiance by another word, her heart was too full to say more. That one word would naturally be the most fitting for the occasion. It implies obedience. She said, “Master.” There is no state of mind in which this confession of allegiance will be too cold.

No, when your spirit glows most with the heavenly fire, then you will say, “I am Thy servant, Thou hast loosed my bonds.” If you can say, “Master,” if you feel that His will is your will, then you stand in a happy, holy place. He must have said, “Mary,” or else you could not have said, “Rabboni.”

See, then, from all this, how Christ honours those who honour Him, how love draws our Beloved, how it needs but one word of His to turn our weeping to rejoicing, how His presence makes the heart’s sunshine.

Is that your heart desire, to be with your Master; is it healing you are desiring from the Master; probably yours is a restoration from all the palmer worms had eaten; are you ready for the kingdom to be establish, dear reader, whatever be your heart desires, the Lord will grant unto to you before the end of this week in Jesus Name.

Go in this “Might” and see your Jericho coming down flat and your dominion is guaranteed in Jesus Name. Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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